Mom of 9 children cleans her 7-room house every day: "I don't understand people who can't find time to clean"

by Mark Bennett

April 01, 2022

Mom of 9 children cleans her 7-room house every day: "I don't understand people who can't find time to clean"

The world is divided into two parts: those who can't keep up with the thousands of everyday chores and those who, on the other hand, manage to dust and clean the house every day, despite everything. Louise is a 33-year-old woman with a lot to do, considering she is a mother of nine and keeps a seven-bedroom house. But she is one of those people who belong in the second category without a shadow of a doubt. Louise can't understand how other mothers, and more specifically other people in general, can't find the time to clean their homes. Apparently, this woman spends about 6 hours of her day dusting and tidying up her large house every single day - a dedication that seems to border on the pathological.

via Youtube / Brit Shows

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Louise is a woman who does not allow even a speck of dust in her home and we assure you that her house is really big: seven bedrooms - intended to house her very large family. Wife and mother of nine children, Louise certainly has many daily tasks to manage, but she never skips cleaning her house. Indeed, house cleaning is a major part of her daily commitments, since she spends six hours a day doing it.

And if you're wondering, no, Louise hasn't been diagnosed with any obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but it's undeniable that cleanliness has become something of a mania for her. "I absolutely hate dust," said the woman, "dust will never defeat me, because I'm always polishing something."

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There are those people who are too exhausted from their other tasks, to the point where they are not able to find the time to clean their homes; and then there are those, like Louise, who develop a sort of reverse "exhaustion" and just cannot stop cleaning. "The cleaning must be done all day, every day, even with a large family, there are no excuses" - this is the philosophy of Louise, who has also taught her children to take care of the house. Everyone plays their part, but certainly, the bulk of the daily cleaning takes Louise a lot of time.

Although Louise has no detected mental problems, she admits that her obsession with cleaning greatly impacts everyone's daily life. For example, this woman said she never cooks burgers at home: "I hate the smell of stinky grease that hangs around the house for days."

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Many have criticized Louise, reminding her that ordinary people have a job, have to do the shopping, keep appointments and many other tasks. Louise, however, stressed that she too worked and "led a normal person’s life" without giving up the daily cleaning of her house. On top of that, she also had nine children to look after. "I also had the commitments of everyday life, just like all of you ... appointments, shopping, errands, homework and God knows what else. But I managed it anyway."

What can we say ... we guess she is lucky to be able to do everything (and more)!
