Wife takes revenge by putting all her husband's belongings up for sale while he is away with his lover

by Mark Bennett

April 08, 2022

Wife takes revenge by putting all her husband's belongings up for sale while he is away with his lover

Relationships are complicated, as are marriages, and no one wants to spend 10 years with a person and suddenly realize that they have wasted their time. Unfortunately, this is a risk we have to take since none of us can foresee the future. What we can do, however, is to be attentive to the warning signs that may arise in a relationship over time. The woman who is the subject of this story knew that things between herself and her husband were not going the right direction. But when she discovered that she was being betrayed, she made a drastic decision to walk away from the relationship, leaving everything behind her. And not only was it her marriage that she was getting rid of, but also her husband's house and all his possessions.

via Dailymail

Flickr / Dano/ Not the actual photo

Flickr / Dano/ Not the actual photo

The woman organized a big sale in her garden of all things belonging to her husband. Needless to say, she also took the trouble to display a sign next to the piles of items, reading "Cheating Husband". And if any of the neighbors or passersby did not understand what was going on, the woman saw fit to post an ad on one of those famous American sites where users sell everything, urging people to come and get whatever they wanted so that the house would be empty when her husband returned. It would be a shock to him and his wife would enjoy her revenge.

Among the items for sale were: his favorite red leather sofas; a lot of work tools he had bought but had never used because he probably "had no idea how to use them"; a brand new sliding glass door that he had never installed.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Her husband's clothes, on the other hand, were not put up for sale - for these, his wife and her friends had another fate in mind: to burn them all in the garden! Where does all this hatred come from? The woman explained that she and her husband had been married for 10 years and that he had apparently now "abandoned" his family for another woman. Tired of her husband's cheating, the woman decided to end her marriage, but not before she has taken revenge. That's why, while her husband (now ex!) was away from the home with his mistress, his wife decided to organize this garden sale to get rid of all of his belongings. And that's not all, because the woman decided to cut all ties with her past by even selling the house, a place now full of bad memories and "no positive vibes". We don't know how the husband reacted when he got home, but in any case, the wife had the last laugh.
