"Every day I was doing 3 hours of unpaid overtime": when the employee quits, the company loses more than $ 80,000

Work is a fundamental element in a person's life. For many, having a job is important not only for economic reasons, but also for personal ones. Knowing that we are useful to others makes us feel appreciated and valued, and for many it can become almost their reason for living. But one should beware of work turning into something like this. Why? For one simple reason: work (and the efforts put into it) are not always recognized and rewarded - quite the contrary. Sometimes the exact opposite can happen.
Most people do everything they can at work to be accurate, attentive, and as flexible as possible only to end up getting... nothing in return. Not all employers, in fact, are willing to recognize the merits of each individual employee and their importance within the company. And if this is the case, how should one behave? The person we are about to tell you about knows all about this.

In a post on Reddit, user @ dorky_dad77 told his story about his job: "I work as a night supervisor in a factory. The initial working hours were to be 8 hours, from 11pm to 7am the following day. Later, however, I was informed that it would be necessary to extend the shift by 30 minutes, ending instead at 7:30 am. I never complained. The pay was good and it didn't cost me anything to stay a bit more. Too bad that that wasn't the only new duties. "
Things have changed even more for this man, due to a colleague who was not very respectful of his own work hours. In his post, the man said he always covered his colleague's hours without asking for anything in return.
Continuing his story, the man said: "Two or three times a week, he left early. I always covered his hours as well. I arrived at work at around 8:00 pm and I did 3 hours of overtime without being paid. Then, a new boss arrived and there have been other developments. Sarah - that's her name - not only did she not think for a single moment of paying me for all the overtime hours I had done up to that point, but she decided to extend my shift even further. According to her, I should have worked from 11pm to 10am or 11am the next morning. I would have done that too, but unfortunately, she didn't want to give me an extra penny, and wanted to keep my original work contract terms."

The man refused to compromise any further, and this didn't sit well with his boss, Sarah. She targeted him, and from that point on, made his working life a nightmare. At some point, the man had no choice but to turn to the human resources department. Luckily, they recognized that he was right and took action against his abusive boss.
The complaint submitted to human resources by the man has set in motion a company review process that has had a very high cost and, consequently, a loss of profit for the company. On the other hand, the man no longer had to work unpaid overtime, and has limited himself to respecting the hours as stipulated in his contract.
Bosses - always take care of your employees. If the company advancees, grows, improves and makes profit, it is also thanks to the commitment and dedication of the employees. Every boss should understand this and act accordingly, doing everything reasonable to reward their employees or, at least, not to take advantage of them.