Daughter writes to her deceased father - after 4 years she receives an answer from a stranger: "I lost my daughter, but God gave me you"

For 4 years, Chastity Patterson wrote long text messages addressed to her father's cell phone number who died prematurely, knowing that the man would never answer her. Losing a family member at 23 years old can be devastating and the young woman tried to overcome her pain in this way. It was not easy for her to accept that she had lost a father who would not see her achieve any milestones in her life, but writing him the messages had become a way to soothe her pain. One day, four years after her father passed away, Chastity received a reply. It wasn't her father, of course, but the "twist" of this story was so weird that it deserves to be told.
via NY Post
Chastity was devastated by the loss of her father so soon in her young life, so she started texting him on his old cell phone number, telling him about the how her life was going. This developed into a routine that went on for 4 long years - until one day, someone answered her. Chastity shared the response on the web, letting everyone know about her incredible and emotional story. The fateful day was the anniversary of her father's passing and Chastity had written a moving message to mark the occasion:
"It's been four years since I lost you and not a single day goes by without my missing you. I beat cancer and I never got sick again: I promised you I'd take better care of myself! I finished college and graduated with honors! I fell in love and it broke my heart, but I lifted my head up and became an even stronger woman. I lost all my friends and I hit rock bottom, But I found someone who walked into my life and saved me. I don't have kids yet, you would be really happy to know, but I'm ready. I'm scared of marriage because I'll have to walk down the long aisle alone and you won't be there to tell me that it's all right. I'm doing fine - you'd be so proud of the woman I've become… ".

The young woman obviously did not expect to get a reply, but she did, and this is how it read:
"Hi honey, I'm not your dad, but I've been getting all your text messages for the past four years. I look forward to your morning messages and your evening updates. My name is Brad, I lost my daughter in a car accident in August of 2014 and your messages helped to keep me going. " The mysterious stranger then continued with these words:
"When you write to me, I know it's a message from God. I'm sorry you lost someone so dear, but I have listened to you over the years and have seen you grow more than anyone else I know. I have wanted to answer you for some time, but I didn't want to break your heart. You are an extraordinary woman and I wish my daughter had become someone like you. "

Brad, the mysterious stranger, thanked her for all her messages, which he considers a "gift from God": "He gave me you, my little angel. I'm sorry you had to go through all that you have, but if I hope I can make you feel better, I'm really proud of you! ".
Chastity was moved to read Brad's words and, of course, was deeply touched by the his kind words. This is also why Brad wanted to share his story on the web: "I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and for spreading my story. I never imagined that I would get such feedback. I did not share the post to get clicks, I just wanted that my friends and family knew I was fine and this year wasn't going to be another difficult one for me. "
Sooner or later, we all have to deal with the loss of a parent, an event that inevitably causes a lot of pain. There are many ways to overcome such a tragedy and, although there is nothing that can bring back our loved one, the thought of being able to find some peace over time is comforting.