A woman loses her purse in a theater and it is found 46 years later: it's full of her memories

Have you ever lost something precious, important and that you cannot live without? One example is classic: one's wallet (or purse). Losing this precious object that typically contains money, important documents, IDs, licenses, various memories from our lives - losing a wallet could turn into a real drama and major headache. Despite the initial shock on discovering our wallet is missing, it's not over until the fat lady sings, and fate may come to our aid.
How? Maybe with through an unexpected discovery, even after many, many years. If you don't believe this can happen, keep reading about this story.
via Facebook / The Majestic Ventura Theater
The scenario we have just described is exactly what happened to a woman who was originally from California, USA. Her name is Colleen Distin, and in 1975 she spent an evening at the Majestic Theater in Ventura. It was an evening out, like many others, but was marred by an upsetting episode: Colleen lost her purse that evening.
The woman, then very young, had gone to the theater to attend a film screening. Unfortunately, once she got home, she realized she no longer had her red purse with her. Colleen immediately contacted the theater and asked the staff to look for it. At the switchboard, they assured her that the next day the cleaning company would take care of the matter but, unfortunately, the cleaning crew found nothing.
However, never say never in life, because anything can happen - just like in this case. And if you think it's not possible, just wait a moment and keep reading.
Years later, the theater, embarked on doing some renovation work. Tom Stevens, one of the workers, was looking for an electrical box when he came across a small red object. Can you guess what we are talking about? That's right, he had found Colleen's old purse. The purse had fallen out of the woman's handbag 46 years ago and was hidden in a hole in the floor. Once he found it, Tom opened it and, to his amazement, he saw that inside there were several documents - including a concert ticket dating back to 1973 and a driving license that had expired in 1976.
Fortunately, these days there are social networks everywhere, and tracking down a person, even if a stranger, has become a lot easier. Just publish a post, and the powerful search engines are set in motion. And this is exactly what happened. In fact, as the worker himself said, it took only a few hours to track down Colleen.
"Having the purse back in my hands was like a blast from the past," said the woman. "I no longer remembered what it contained, but it was nice to discover it again and relive so many happy moments from my past".
The surprise, in fact, was doubled. Inside the wallet was an old check for $ 200 dollars. Today, this seems like a small amount, but in 1975, it was a fortune and the woman had not been able to ever get her hands on it. The theater staff, on learning this, took an important decision to apologize for the financial loss caused to Colleen for not finding the purse she had lost years ago. They decided to return the lost money to her. Of course, over the years the value of the $ 200 dollars had grown, so Colleen got a check for $ 1000 dollars from the theater.
Both this, and the discovery of her purse, were two important moments for the woman who thanked all of the theater staff heartily for helping her and also giving her the opportunity to take a ride on a special and unexpected time machine.