Woman discovers she is expecting a baby girl, but her husband's family throws a party using blue decorations

The arrival of a child is always a great gift and should be welcomed as such. It is not possible to choose the gender of the unborn child, however having preferences is completely normal and legitimate. Regardless of whether you want to have a boy or a girl, this is an concern that should be secondary: the important thing, in fact, is that everything goes well and that the pregnancy, mother and baby do not have any problems. However, there are those who give priority to the color of the birthing bow (pink [girl] or blue [boy]), and can take the eventual revelation of the gender of their child very badly.
A woman vented on the Reddit platform to followers, recounting the absurd family story that overwhelmed her when she discovered she was expecting a girl.
via Reddit

The woman said she was 27 and expecting her first child. “This is the first grandchild of the family and they said that if the baby is a boy, we will give him the name of his grandfather. I had no problems with this. "
Before knowing the sex of the child, her husband and her in-laws would have involved her in a series of prayers and rituals to help her in this regard. “I didn't like it, but I was doing it to keep the peace,” the woman wrote.
At this point in the story, the moment of knowledge arrives: at an appointment with the doctor, he revealed that a girl was on the way.
“My husband cried in the car, then turned off the phone to hide from his family - but then he finally told them. His mother and the others in the family expressed their frustration and disappointment - which annoyed me because my daughter deserves to be celebrated. "
The woman was kept at a distance for days by her husband's family, but the worst for her was yet to come: when the family came to visit her, they started referring to the girl with masculine adjectives. “They claimed the results were false and started pretending she was a boy. I had several fights with them after they refused to stop, but my husband sided with them, despite him seeing how wrong and unreasonable what they were doing was. "

The future mother was then contacted by her sister-in-law, who apologised and proposed that she organize a babyshower to celebrate the new life on the way.
“I was so excited and happy. But when I got there, I saw blue balloons, blue cake and blue decorations with my father-in-law's name on the decorations which were hung up. I was so stunned that I had to sit down. My sister-in-law explained that they were still hoping the gender results were wrong. I looked over at my husband and he agreed with my sister-in-law. "
At that point, the confrontation inevitably escalated: "I lost my temper and yelled at all of them, saying to stop treating my daughter like she was unwanted and acting like she didn't exist by throwing a party for 'their imaginary grandson'."
The mother-in-law, roasted by these words, burst into tears, while the woman grabbed her bag and left the party.

Her husband followed her, starting a fierce quarrel: "According to him I had insulted his family and the memory of his father by behaving in that way. I told him to wake up and see the madness in his family's behavior. He said they needed time to process the fact that it was a girl and not a boy as they had expected. He insisted that I just play along to keep the peace. I refused and asked him to take me home, but he said no. "
The woman then called a taxi, only to then receive a message from her husband: until she apologized to his family, she would not be allowed toreturn home. The young woman has no intention of issuing any apology at this moment.
What do you think of this story? Do you think she should was right to stand her ground, or should she apologise to her husband's family for a quiet life?