Wife is never invited to her husband's family dinners: to take revenge, she goes to the restaurant "by chance"

It is possible to choose your life partner, but unfortunately (for some) it is not possible to choose your family. There are those who are less fortunate than others and find themselves having to face really hostile and exasperating family situations. For example, the woman who is the subject of this story told about her own experience on Reddit, leaving everyone quite stunned and with a very clear picture about the events that unfolded. The woman wrote that she is almost never invited to her husband's family dinners and, apparently, she is also the only one to suffer this treatment within the family: the wives of her husband's brothers, for example, always participate in these get-togethers on a monthly basis.
One evening, the woman decided to take revenge...
via Reddit

When the woman writes that she is almost never invited to her husband's family dinners, which are traditionally held once a month, she means that her husband himself usually tells her the following: "I'm going to the family dinner. Probably better that you don't come". The woman, however, knows for a fact that the wives and girlfriends of her husband's brothers always attend these family reunions: why should she be excluded? Obviously, on several occasions, the woman told her husband that she wanted to come to the dinners and typically a long argument would follow. Then the woman decided to take action:
"About a week ago, my husband went to a family dinner that I hadn't been invited to. I was very angry, so that day I called and made a reservation at the restaurant they were going to. My husband left the house not knowing about my booking, and I left the house 15 minutes after him. "
The woman continued her story: "I ended up sitting at a table where I couldn't see the family and they couldn’t see me. So later, I got up as if I were going to the bathroom and walked past them. They were all there, including his brothers' girlfriends. My husband looked completely shocked and asked me what I was doing there. I told him I was dying to have a steak, so I came for one at the restaurant by myself."

The woman’s mother-in-law went as far as to accuse her of deliberately and rudely interrupting their dinner. Once home, the husband was furious with his wife for the embarrassment that she had apparently caused him. But what was the problem? A Reddit follower picked up on some of the facts that the woman had written about in her original post, pointing out a possible reason for the woman's exclusion. Apparently, the problem could be one of skin color - the woman was the only one in the group who had a dark skin. The follower in question naturally assumed the racist nature of her husband's entire family, advising her not to pursue such a relationship any further. Most Reddit followers took the side of the woman, who began to understand that perhaps her husband had long ago reached the point of no return with her.
What do you think about this story?