Exhausted 22-year-old mom looks twice her age: "It's my daughter who stole my youth."

by Mark Bennett

April 14, 2022

Exhausted 22-year-old mom looks twice her age: "It's my daughter who stole my youth."

The life of a parent is not at all easy, from many points of view, and it is normal to feel tired and fatigued when dealing with a small infant who is not independent and is in need of a thousand different things. Sleepless nights are perhaps the worst part of the ordeal and this young mom, Kendra Sykes, definitely knows this to be true. This mother is only 22 years old, but many of her followers have expressed their doubt about her age – primarily due to her extremely tired and gaunt face. Everyone says that she is at least 40 years old, or that maybe she is the victim of certain bad habits which would cause her to have such a drawn, dour face. The truth, however, is something else and the woman has made this very clear in a video she posted on TikTok.

The truth? The truth is that her daughter – who is only a few months old – has stolen her youth from her!

via TikTok / crzctldy666

TikTok / crzctldy666

TikTok / crzctldy666

The woman’s face is marked by acne, bags under the eyes, a tired, exhausted face: Kendra is 22 years old but she looks much older - but her life is by no means a life of excess. Quite simply, this woman is a young mother! In the video she posted on TikTok, the young mother ironically described her condition as being totally exhausted, and revealing that the reason for her appearance is because her infant daughter. Like all young children, Kendra's little daughter cries and screams, keeping her mom awake through many long, sleepless nights. Obviously, Kendra was being ironic and jokingly stated that her daughter "has stolen her youth", even if it seems an unkind thing to say. Some followers, in fact, replied: "I hope your daughter will never hear you say these things".

In general, followers who have criticized her for her appearance have been very rude to her, failing to empathize with those who are clearly experiencing difficulty in their lives. But there are those who defended Kendra - those who could put themselves in her shoes because they know what it means to live through the first few months after giving birth.

TikTok / crzctldy666

TikTok / crzctldy666

In short, 3 hours of sleep a night for a period of more than 3 months can be a devastating experience for anyone. Rest is essential, especially for a mother who has to look after her baby both day and night. Regarding Kendra's facial skin condition, a follower wrote to her, saying: "It could be due to chronic dehydration. I had a friend who only drank Pepsi and it was fine for her until she got pregnant, then her skin acted in a similar way. " To which Kendra replied: "Honestly, it could be worse! I drink a lot of coffee and forget to drink any water."

In any case, it is not fair to judge a person only on their appearance. Let's go easy on the unkind comments, since we can never really know what a person is going through.
