Mom doesn't let her children sleep at their friends' house: "No sleepover, it's a family rule"

The instinct of every parent is to protect their children from the pitfalls of life, it being understood, of course, that sooner or later, each child will have to fend for themselves. There is always a lot of discussion about what is the best method to be a "good parent" and it has also been concluded that there is no single and comprehensive answer to this question. The perfect parent doesn't exist, but everyone tries their best. Alissa, for example, shared her thoughts on "sleepovers" on TikTok. Sleepovers are those times that a parent allows their children to accept an invitation to sleep at the home of a friend. But this mother does not allow her children to sleep over at anyone’s home: this is a family rule that has caused a lot of heated discussion on the social media platform.

It is not easy to politely decline an invitation, but this mother wanted to show how she does it when the parents of her children's friends invite her to allow her children to sleep over in their house. Anyone who has never slept at a classmate's house or has never been invited to, raise your hand! It is an experience that, at least once in our life, we have all experienced. Those who have not had this good fortune, do not remember their childhood with warm nostalgia. Nonetheless, Alissa has made it a rule that her children cannot sleep over at anyone’s house. Nothing personal, of course - it's just a rule set to protect children in case they get hurt while at someone else's home.
In a video on TikTok, the young mom posted a video in which she mimics a conversation with the parents of a family that have invited her children to sleep over: "Thank you so much for having us. We had a lot of fun, and now we're leaving". This is the opening of the hypothetical conversation of a mother (acted out by Alissa) who goes to pick up her children at the home of their schoolmates.

"Would your children like to sleep over here sometime?" asks the hypothetical parent in the improvised skit. "Oh, thank you so much for the invitation, but we actually have a family rule that we don't allow sleepover parties," continues Alissa. Clearly, one could feel a little offended because one could immediately think of the worst about the refusal: "Are you afraid that your children will get hurt?" asks the imaginary parent.
"Oh, it's not personal at all - you know we love you guys and you're great. But we have the same rule for everyone ... we don't allow sleepovers with any family," Alissa continues to explain in the skit, "it's just to protect the kids in case something happens at someone's house. If something did happen, we wouldn’t be able forgive ourselves. And we want to protect our kids. So, again, it's nothing personal - we just don't allow sleepovers with other families. Bye! "

Many users have criticized Alissa, claiming that this rule will deprive her children of some of the best memories of their childhood. Anyone who has never had the pleasure of sleeping over with a friend knows that they have missed a fun and exciting experience with their peers. What do you think about this rule of Alissa’s?