17-year-old homeless man leaves his dog in a shelter, but thanks to strangers, he manages to embrace him again

The love that unites a master with his dog is truly boundless and despite the difficulties of life, our four-legged friends continue to hold a special place in our hearts. A homeless 17-year-old boy who lived under a bridge went to an animal recovery center to be able to give up his faithful dog. The young man realized that he could no longer keep the dog, given his living conditions, but he certainly did not want to abandon it in the middle of nowhere. Although the refuge was full, and without a place available to take the dog, the director was so moved by the action of the desperate young man, that he agreed to take it anyway. Fortunately, the relationship between the boy and the dog did not end like this.
via Youtube / WREG News Channel 3
When a homeless boy showed up at an animal shelter in Mississippi, USA, with a Rottweiler / German Shepherd puppy, the director of the center, Kris Robinson, quickly revealed that there would be no room for his dog. "Well, I can't take care of her anymore - I am homeless and I live under a bridge," the young man responded to Robinson - who then immediately changed his mind. "My heart broke," commented the manager, who decided to go out of his way to take care of the four month old puppy, Jada.
The young man made it clear that he did not have money to buy food for his beloved dog and that once the puppy had run away from his tent while he was away looking for a job. In order to ensure a future for his dog, the young man had come a long way on foot to bring her to the safety of the shelter. Robinson then agreed to keep Jada and posted the boy's heartbreaking story on Facebook, garnering tons of positive comments from followers who were eager to help the boy and his dog.
The post was heart-breaking: "This is where Jada lay down after her owner handed her over to the shelter today, with a plastic bag containing dog food and a blanket. She is clearly devastated. However, I can't be angry with her owner. He's 17, homeless and says he lives under a bridge in Tate County. He brought her to the shelter and asked us to keep her, please, because he can't afford to keep her any longer. We're full, but how could we not help?" stated the shelter's director.
Help from followers was not long in coming: the boy was temporarily hosted in a house and was able to embrace his dog again. The story was reported on local news and was so popular that a woman introduced herself as the mother of the homeless young man. The woman said the boy hadn't been around for more than a year, but she wanted him to come home.
We do not know how the story will evolve, but what is certain is that this young man in difficulty was able to take care of his beloved dog even in a situation as dire as his.