Twin sisters marry twin brothers and decide to live all together in the same house

Ties between siblings can be very strong. Even if there are a few years of difference, a brother or sister could become the person we confide in and love to spend time with. And if the people in question are also twins, then everything changes and becomes even more intense. The two pairs of twins we want to tell you about in this story are well aware of this.
Twins Day is a festival entirely dedicated to twins in which couples of twin brothers and twin sisters participate. From the moment they met at the festival, an inseparable quartet was formed between this specific couple of twins which still lasts to this day and which radiates a lot of joy, but also generates some curiosity. Let's find out about their history together:
via New York Post
Briana and Brittany Deane and Jeremy and Josh Salyers met at the Twins Festival in 2017. Between the four, it was love at first sight: Jeremy for Briana and Josh for Brittany. The two sisters had also attended the Twins Day Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio in previous years, but never had the good fortune to meet their respective soul mates - in every sense. The two girls had always dreamed, from an early age, of being able to meet and marry twins. If that hadn't happened, each had promised the other that she would never get married.
Fortunately for them, fate determined that the Salyers brothers would also take part in the 2017 festival for the first time. Exactly one year later, another pair of twins officiated their double wedding. That's right - the quartet has not only organized a simultaneous marriage proposal and, it could be said, twin proposal, but also got married on the same day.
If you think their paths have separated at this point, you are wrong. Quite the contrary, because the two couples have also decided to live under the same roof together. In one of the many interviews she gave, Brittany confessed that the four of them love spending time together and doing the same things.
This is a relationship between twins that went beyond the normal bond between brothers and sisters and extended to this double and shared couples’ relationships. This is something that has aroused much curiosity in social media users and, by some, it was even considered a rather unhealthy relationship - but these observations do not seem to matter to the twins at all.
Brittany said: "Some people think we're really weird. Others, on the other hand, think it's really amazing. We have received a lot of support and interest and we have been very grateful. People who look at us with suspicion simply cannot understand the strong bond that can be established between twins ".
For the two couples, therefore, everything is normal and they continue on their way undaunted. After the wedding, they thought about having children and, from the beginning, the two sisters dreamed of doing everything possible to have their pregnancies at the same time. Surprisingly, they succeeded, but the two children decided to end the "twinning" streak and were born within a few months of each other. The four parents dreamed of giving birth to other twins, but that was not to be the case. The first to be born was Jett, Brittany’s and Josh’s baby son, followed shortly afterward by Jax, the son of Briana and Jeremy.
But, given the unorthodox makeup of these two families, can we be sure that the kids are really cousins to each other and not brothers? In theory yes, they are cousins, but in practice, since they are born to twin sisters and brothers who share the same DNA, they could paradoxically also be considered as brothers.
Even though they don't have a twin, the two infants are still very special - just like their parents and their entire family history.