Young woman accused of being in a relationship with a man 40 years her senior for purely material interests

How many times have we heard that true love knows no age? Whether it is a question of the personal situation of the individual or a significant difference in years between partners, love always manages to win out and overcome these supposed obstacles. But not everyone agrees with the idea of there being healthy relationships possible between people who have a very significant age gap between them. Further, it is common that this type of bond is frequently frowned upon. Sometimes, one might even think that there is some specific, ulterior motive driving the relationship - perhaps money, or the desire to be "famous", or some other unidentified reason that has nothing to do with love.
Despite everything, however, if the two people in question are happy and certain about their love, they will rise above any negative criticism. And this is exactly what happened to the couple we are about to tell you about here. She is 23, and he is 63 years old - a 40 year age gap.
via New York Post
Willow Sias and David Simonin met on Tinder and, apparently from what they say, it was love at first sight. Not exempt from criticism and attacks, the couple, (and Willow in particular), decided to publicly respond on the web to all those who have hurled abuse and insults against them.
Willow Sias is a young model from South Carolina who some time ago, met her man of her dreams and decided to talk about her magical relationship in a video on Tik Tok.
As she herself says: "I fell in love with David within an hour. We immediately connected and it was crazy. We are like two mirrors that reflect each other, but in the end they become one." Willow continued: "We are good together, so much so that sometimes we do very little but sit around and just laugh and have fun. There is a fantastic synergy between us ".
The model has already had relationships with older men, but no one has passed on to her the love and positive feelings that she gets from David. He manages to make her feel special, pampering her, giving her stability and security like no other man has been able to. This is a unique and wonderful love that the two want to continue to experience and without taking heed of the many criticisms coming from the internet. It is enough for them to love each other and to know that their friend and relatives are not against their relationship - indeed, they are happy to see the two being so clearly in love with each other.
It is too bad, then, that many are not convinced of the varacity of this love affair, and spew their negativity on the internet. Perhaps, for these naysayers, seeing the expensive gifts that David gives his young girlfriend, it appears obvious that there is a material interest pushing the young woman to remain in the relationship - but this is not the case. Indeed, it would not be the first time in which a certain set of people adopt a negative predisposition and are inclined to doubt the good faith of people and to consider them negatively no matter what.
In any case, and for whatever reason two people decide to spend their lives together - and without considering any age difference - it is not any business of those on the outside. The freedom of individuals, after all, lies in this right to choose and it is a right that should always be respected, no matter what.