These three brothers have launched an appeal to be adopted all together: "Do not separate us!"

In the world, there are many children who are not lucky enough to grow up in a loving home, pampered and loved by parents and caregivers. Many of them end up in an institution or are transferred periodically to temporary families. It is very stressful for a child to grow up in this way, failing to experience his or her young, formative years in a loving and welcoming environment. All of us who have lived with the security of always being protected and accepted can only imagine what brothers William, Marshall and Aiden have gone through, and are going through. Unfortunately, these brothers, who at around 10 - 11 years of age, have still not yet found a family willing to adopt all three of them.

The appeal of these three little brothers has gone viral globally and we are not surprised to find out that their appeal has emotionally moved many that have read of their story. What these three children are looking for is very simple: a family that will adopt all three of them! The brothers, in fact, do not want to be separated for any reason, but currently they have not yet had any luck in achieving this goal. Their online profile, on the Heart Gallery Texas website, speaks clearly:
William, aka Bobby, is 11 years old and is the elderst brother, while the other two, Aidan and Marshall, are 10-year-old twins. All three have a lot of energy to spare and the association that is trying to find them an adoptive family recommends a home for them with two parents and no other children.
Bobby is a nice little boy, who can seem reserved at times. He is a child who strives to please others, especially adults, and he has a lot of interests: he likes swimming and martial arts and is very proud of his achievements in judo competitions. Like so many other children, Bobby likes Minecraft, building things with Lego, doing puzzles, playing board games, drawing and coloring. He also likes to read, but only if reading is his free choice! Of course, Bobby really loves spending time with his little siblings, but he often takes on too much responsibility for them, because he is aware that he is the older brother. In general, Bobby is described as a kind, caring and very compassionate child.

Aidan is described as the true leader of the three: an intelligent and lively child, with an outgoing and competitive personality. He has a great passion for reptiles and amphibians, which he constantly talks about. He loves being outdoors, in nature, and exploring new places; he loves fishing and hiking. He is a very curious child who always loves learning new things. Sometimes, he seems to be afraid of nothing, but at other times, he needs to be reassured. He doesn't have much interest in sports, except for swimming. He likes action figures, drawing, coloring and building things with Lego, which goes well with his wonderful imagination. He himself said that building things with Lego is a very relaxing and calming activity for him.
Finally, Marshall shares most of his siblings' interests, showing that he is a child with a great imagination and that he loves to have fun. Sometimes he can be blunt in expressing his opinions, but that's usually when he feels like he isn't getting all the attention he deserves. As an indoor activities, Marshall enjoys playing with Lego, reading, solving puzzles and playing board games; among the outdoor activities he likes are exploring nature, playing in the park, riding his bicycle and burning off all his energy. He also enjoys playing football and basketball very much. He writes in the last sentence that ends the description of his bio: "He has a strong desire to get a pet lizard or hedgehog".

We are sure that these three beautiful boys will soon find a family willing to adopt them all together, and without forcing them to separate. It would be a real shame, in fact, if the three brothers ended up divided into different families.
We wish them our best!