Woman adopts a baby girl and when she discovers that the child's biological parents are homeless, she welcomes them into her home

The decision to adopt a child embodies a profound act of love and generosity of two adults towards an unfortunate little one. Usually, and above all, in order not to create confusion in the mind and emotions of the child, every effort is made to keep the two families separate - the biological one and the adoptive one. However, this is not the case with the subjects of this story.
In this case, the little, adopted girl's original, biological family was welcomed into the house by her adoptive mother. We explain below the reasons that led this woman to make this decision.
via CNN
Vanessa McGrady, the subject of this story, made the decision to adopt a newborn baby, Grace, a few years ago. The path towards becoming new, adoptive parents went smoothly, and she and her husband immediately fell in love with the little girl. Grace also seemed to be happy with her adoptive parents.
Two years after the adoption, however, Grace's adoptive parents separated and she and her mom were left to live on their own. During this traumatic period, however, something completely unexpected and unusual happened.
Vanessa and Peter, her ex-husband, had become very close to Grace's biological parents when they adopted the baby, and the four had been in contact for a long time. After Vanessa's separation from her husband, she discovered that Grace's biological parents had become homeless, so she made her unorthodox choice.
She decided to welcome Grace's biological parents into her house without hesitating. "When winter came I invited them to stay with us. It was raining and was very cold - they couldn't live on the street in a tent, what else could I do?" said the woman in an interview. She continued: "If you happen to meet someone in great need, you can't help but try to help them. Not to mention that, thanks to them, I have Grace and I could never thank them enough for this bundle of joy."
Fortunately, the little girl has never had a problem with having all her parents living together. She always knows, according to what Vanessa stated, that she and her husband are her mom and dad and that the other two are important people who also love her very much.
As it turns out, the cohabitation arrangement did not last for long, because after about a month, Grace's natural parents moved out and left the home. The bond between them, however, has never dissolved and whenever possible, they meet up and spend time together. This entire experience was then turned into a book that Vanessa published some time ago and in which she talks in great detail about the full story about Grace and her family.
Vanessa's choice are those that very few people would have made. On the one hand, they were somewhat risky; on the other hand, they were extremely generous and selfless. Such gestures are rare in our modern world. It is always a good thing to reach out to those in difficulty, because in addition to helping less fortunate people, we also enrich ourselves through the experience.