Family refuses $5 million dollars to sell their home: it is the last house resisting the construction boom

Our home is the place where each of us grew up, a nest where we felt and feel safe, and where we keep all the precious memories related to our childhood. It is a welcoming place for most of us and also a place we would never want to leave. Unfortunately, times change, children grow up and even the neighbors, whose faces were so familiar to us once upon a time, move elsewhere. In large cities, structural changes occur much more rapidly and it is therefore easy to find yourself surrounded by new houses and buildings that once were clear countryside. In a world that is always in the vortex of change, the Zammit family represents a fixed point: their home and their driveway have remained the same as it always has been, despite the fact that everything else around them has radically changed over time.
via Twitter / Mr Pål Christiansen
The Zammit family, residing in the suburb of The Ponds, near Quakers Hill, west of Sydney (Australia), has been receiving six-figure offers to sell their home for years and the answer has remained the same for years: no. In the area, now dull, drab and dominated by buildings which all look the same and without character, the Zammits' house stands out to the point that some consider it "the castle" of the suburb. Imagine a large red brick villa, from which extends a 200 meter driveway, surrounded by a beautiful, green lawn. The construction boom does not seem to have affected the stately home of this Australian family one bit, although it has changed the appearance of entire neighborhood over the years.
Do you know what has been the highest offer for the purchase of the house, known to us, to date? $ 5 million dollars. A mind-boggling figure that would tempt almost everyone and this sum was offered to the Zammits 10 years ago. But the Zammits don't seem willing to give up their cherished home.

Their home is said to have reached a combined value of $ 50 million today, but even that figure doesn't make a difference to this family. The emotional value that binds them together in their home - now the last example of a more traditional and harmonious architectural period in the suburb - is decidedly stronger than money. In short, all the money in the world would not be enough to buy this house.
The Zammit house represents the only green area left in The Ponds and is the last red brick house in a neighborhood saturated with gray cinder blocks and dead-end driveways.
For those who want to buy the house and continue building in that area, the Zammits have only one answer: "Keep dreaming ...!".