Young man finds £ 6 million in an old storage locker he bought at auction for just £ 390

by Mark Bennett

May 16, 2022

Young man finds £ 6 million in an old storage locker he bought at auction for just £ 390

Many of us will have gone to shop at antique markets, wander around fairs and flea markets and similar in search of a bargain. Hoping to buy an antique object or a piece of furniture at a good price or a bargain, perhaps you have also chosen to participate in auctions. But you can't always find what you need or are looking for.

The subject of this story took part in an auction and managed to find exactly what he was interested in. This is a stupendous story! And the story becomes even more unbelievable when we learn that the young man bought an old, abandoned storage locker for just a few hundred dollars - unbelievable when we see what he found in the locker. The man made a staggering discovery when he was looking around his newly-acquired property. In short, the man, who has chosen to remain anonymous, discovered a safe in the storage locker and a six-figure fortune was inside it. Let's see what happened:

via The Sun

Dan Dotson is a famous US auctioneer and stars in a US TV show called Storage Wars. As he himself said in a video posted to his social media page, in one of the auctions he ran, a young man bought an old, abandoned storage locker for very little money indeed.

While attending a charity event in California, Datson was allegedly approached by an elderly lady who told him the story about this incredible discovery.


The lucky young man found an old safe in the storage locker. After several attempts to open it, he finally succeeded and inside, he found almost £6 million pounds ($7.4 million dollars) inside. A truly staggering figure, but a wealth of money that the buyer could obviously not keep for himself.

You read that right - he could not keep the money. After the discovery, the man was contacted by a lawyer who represented the previous owners of the locker and so, he was forced to return the money. But, considering the man had already taken possesion of the locker, he insisted on being recompensed in some way.

Initially, the lawyer offered the man £ 465,000. Not satisfied with this, the young man refused, holding out for a better offer. The second offer was not long in coming, and an amount of £ 930,000 was proposed. The buyer accepted this offer and returned the remaining millions.

On this day 2014 I had a double brain aneurism (subarachnoid hemorrhage) they said my chance of survival was 4%, yet here I am. #humbled #thankful #alwaysmovingforward Thank you God

Pubblicato da Dan Dotson su Mercoledì 16 giugno 2021

"I just can't understand how you can forget £ 6 million in a second-hand storage locker. It's really amazing. I was blown away."  This was the reaction of Dan Dotson - who we see in the photo - commenting on the discovery of the safe.

Too bad the young man wasn't lucky enough to keep all the money to himself. Of course, the purchase made at auction turned out to be profitable in the end. And after all, with almost a million in his pocket, we can assume that the young man's life has taken a positive turn.
