"I refused to spend Mother's Day with my mother-in-law and my husband called me selfish"

Mother's Day is a special day for all women who have given birth to a child. It is their moment, their celebration and, perhaps, many mothers would like to have a little attention that they do not get, or even expect, during the rest of the year. The mother, who is the subject of our story, not only did not get the consideration she had hoped for on her special day, but she was also accused of being selfish by her husband for refusing to spend the day at her mother-in-law's house.
Feeling guilty and in doubt about what had happened, she decided to tell her story on Reddit, so as to get some advice from her followers. Let's see what she wrote:
via Reddit

Flickr/Nenad Stojkovic - Not the actual photo
Unfortunately, we all know, relations between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law are not always easy. Fortunately, there are those who do get along well and do not encounter too many problems. But, in contrast, there are those who have to face a series of difficulting in this type of in-laws relationship and that ends up also putting a strain on a couple's relationship. The situation that the subject of this story seems to experience this type of strain every day.
In her post on Reddit, this woman (and mother) described how her relationship with her husband's mother isn't exactly the most idyllic in the world. From the beginning, and to give some context, the author states that her mother-in-law has never been very kind to her in all the 7 years of her marraige to her son.
The distraught woman wrote: "She has always tried to keep control of everything, even our relationship. We always spent the holidays together with her - never alone as a couple. For every event we organized, she had to give us her unsolicited advice on how it should be run. She has always wanted to do things her way only, and she always trys to paint me in a bad light with my husband and with others".

Apparently, this interfering happens even over the silliest things like what to have for dinner. For example, when the mother-in-law invites the couple to dinner, she apparently prepares dishes that she knows her daughter-in-law does not like. The woman continued with her story: "At these events, I eat almost nothing and she gets offended because she claims I do not appreciate her cooking. Then Mother's Day arrived and I got into an argument with my husband because I didn't want to spend the whole day at his mother's house. I'm a mother too, and I wanted some attention for myself - but my husband, as always, put his mother first. "
This woman's request wasn't all that unreasonable: she just tried to make her husband understand that it would be better for her to stay at home with their daughter or, at best, go out somewhere nice and without going to her mother-in-law's house the umpteenth time. Her husband didn't take this reluctance well, however, and called her selfish, which, in turn, made her reflect about her preferences.
Most of the follwers who read her post agreed that she did the right thing, especially considering her mother-in-law's past behavior towards her, and her husband's inconsiderate behavior as well.
How would you have acted in her shoes?