This man undertook a long journey to reunite with the nanny who took care of him as a child

by Mark Bennett

May 16, 2022

This man undertook a long journey to reunite with the nanny who took care of him as a child

In the lives of some children, it is normal to have a nanny as a central figure. Several parents need to pay someone else to take care of their children during the day for various reasons, including work commitments. Juanito Jonsson was one of those children who lived part of his earliest childhood with Ana Jiménez, a woman who took care of him while his parents were busy being missionaries in Bolivia. Many years have passed, but Juanito, now an adult, had a desire to find the nanny who had been so dear to him. For this, he left Spain for Bolivia, in search of the nanny, Ana.

via Instagram / juanitojonsson

Juanito was moved to Bolivia when he was only 6 months old, in the tow of his parents, who were Spanish missionaries during the seventies. Juanito's parents had hired Ana Jiménez as a nanny for their son, confident that she would treat him like her biological child. And so it was, of course. Also, Ana was a young woman who had lost her son, so we can imagine the love she gave to Juanito.

Even though the two spent only a couple of years or so together, their bond was very strong and Juanito had always carried with him the memory of the woman who had basically been his mother at the time. At the age of 2, Juanito returned to Spain with his parents and that is where he spent most of his life. Despite this, the desire to find Ana after more than 30 years never left him.

Instagram / juanitojonsson

Instagram / juanitojonsson

Through social media, Juanito managed to track Ana down: he knew she had lived in a village in Bolivia, on the border with Argentina, and it is exactly here that the man went to give her a surprise visit. He had learned that the elderly woman made a living selling candy in the street and that, in general, she was not doing so well in the village. For this, Juanito launched a fundraiser to help Ana and to fix her house which had been damaged.

After a two day trip, Juanito and Ana finally met again after 45 years of being apart! Their meeting was truly exciting and emotional, as evidenced by the video posted by Juanito himself to his Instagram page.

Instagram / juanitojonsson

Instagram / juanitojonsson

Ana was very moved and cried when Juanito showed her a photo album with old photos of the two of them. Juanito then handed her all the money raised through the donations he had received and invited her out to dinner and to take a pleasant walk around the village.

In addition to our parents, there may be other important people in our life, to whom we will always be grateful in some way. Ana was this person for Juanito, and we are delighted that the two were able to meet up again.
