Student invites home a 71-year-old lady who had missed the last bus: now they are best friends

by Mark Bennett

May 22, 2022

Student invites home a 71-year-old lady who had missed the last bus: now they are best friends

From one good deed, usually, another always follows: this is how positivity and so-called "miracles" are spread. A 19-year-old girl, for example, immediately became concerned about a lady of an elderly age who seemed to be wandering in the streets alone at night in Glasgow, Scotland. The woman had missed the last night bus to get home and, as a result, she was simply wandering the streets of the city completely alone. The young woman, who had just been to a party, couldn't allow the elderly lady to be alone on the street at night, so she invited her to sleep at her house for the night.

via Daily Record

Rebecca McCurry, a 19-year-old student, had just been to a party when she ran into Ann, a 71-year-old granny who had been left stranded after missing the last night bus home. The elderly lady had come to Glasgow to visit her sick brother in March 2021, and had been left wandering the streets of the city without the possibility of getting back home. She couldn't even go to a hotel, due to the restrictive measures imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, so she had absolutely nowhere to go. Rebecca, after asking the lady if everything was ok with her, did not want to leave the poor woman alone and, so, invited her to spend the night at her house. Ann thanked the young woman with her eyes sparkling with tears: she felt that the young woman had saved her life that night.


The 71-year-old gran was wandering the streets alone 😩

Pubblicato da Daily Record su Lunedì 9 maggio 2022

"I couldn't believe it when she told me she had been walking around in the streets for so long," Rebecca commented, "It was already 11:30 at night. I let her in with me and got her past the security desk by telling the guards that she was my grandmother. " The two went up to the room and Rebecca told Ann that she would be going back to the party for a while: "Where's my invitation?" Ann said immediately, and shortly, they both found themselves at Rebecca's friends' party. "Everyone loved it," commented the young student.

The next day, Rebecca had forgotten that she had allowed Ann to sleep in her room and she was startled to see a strange tuft of hair sticking out of her bed. That day, Ann managed to get home safe and sound, but this elderly woman didn't stop for a minute to thank Rebecca for her overwhelming act of kindness.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The two kept in touch, becoming close friends. Rebecca visited her for a weekend in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, where she had a blast listening to the old lady's stories. "I found her so interesting," Rebecca said, "She's a bit of a hippy and she has so many interesting stories to tell - she's done every job you can imagine."

The two are many years apart in age, but that hasn't stopped them from becoming best friends. Also, Rebecca has realized that getting older doesn't scare her anymore: "If this is what it means becoming a pensioner, then I'm fine with it!".
