"My wife is ashamed of her 'tiny' diamond ring and prefers to wear an elastic band"

How do you choose a ring for your girlfriend / fiancé / wife? There is no precise set of rules, of course, but for many men it is difficult to tune into the tastes of their partner. Should it be a large one, a small one, in yellow or white gold, in silver or platinum - in short, the options are endless and one could run the risk of making a mistake. Let's say, however, that a woman, instead of fixating on the specific features of the ring, should appreciate the gesture and, above all, the intent behind being offered a ring.
But, unfortunately, the woman we are about to tell you about in this article did not see it this way. According to what her husband stated on his social media site, his wife really did not appreciate his ring - to the point of replacing it with something supposedly "much more appropriate". Let's see together what she did:

"My wife was ashamed of her 'tiny' three-carat diamond ring and prefers to wear this ring made from an elastic band" - this is the title of the video that Arash, the husband who is the subject of this story, posted on his TikTok account. Apparently, his partner was not impressed by the ring he gave her as a gift. It was too simple for her and she was ashamed to wear it.
The video received over 15 million views and comments from viewers were fast in coming. Many initially thought it was a joke, but Arash pointed out that his story is absolutely true.
His wife was not at all teasing him when she uttered these words: "Nobody noticed my ring because it is too small. If it was what I wanted, everyone would have commented on it - but they didn't."

So, what did the woman do at this point? She replaced the ring and the alternative chosen was somewhat bizarre. Instead of the 3-carat diamond, the wife opted for a simple, elastic band. Yes, this is the object she chose to replace the loving gift from her husband.
Viewers who learned about this incident fired off some harsh comments. "Leave her. If she cares more about material objects than the relationship, then she's not for you," says one comment.
"Next time, together with a ring, give her divorce papers," says another comment. Another says: "You deserve more - maybe a woman who really appreciates what you will do for her, beyond spending money on flashy jewelry".

The comments and advice show stroing solidarity with the husband and nobody supports the woman's behavior. It would have been nice, in fact, if she had overlooked the size of the ring, but acknowledged the motivations that moved her partner to make such a gesture.
What do you think? Do you agree with the this woman's behavior?