Three children find a wallet and return it without hesitating (+ VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

May 29, 2022

Three children find a wallet and return it without hesitating (+ VIDEO)

In a world where people are increasingly wary of others, news like what we are about to tell you seems to be a rarity, as well as a beacon of hope for our future. Three kids cycling through the streets of a Colorado neighborhood found a wallet full of banknotes and had the good sense to return it to its rightful owner. The owner was evidently not at home, because the surveillance camera recorded the scene when the children rang on the doorbell.

How many of you would have followed the example of these children, returning $ 700 dollars found in a lost wallet?

via Facebook / Jamie Carlton

Facebook / Jamie Carlton

Facebook / Jamie Carlton

Jamie Carlton couldn't believe his eyes when he watched the video footage from his security camera when he got back home. Three kids on bicycles had stopped at his doorstep to do the right thing. As there was no one at home and the automatic voice of the security system told the kids:

"Hello, we can't open the door right now, but the camera is recording. So please leave us a message. Thanks for stopping by." The older boy's response wasn't long in coming: "We found your wallet outside and thought we'd return it to you. I'll put it here so no one can take your money."

How much money did the wallet contain? More than $ 700 dollars! Yes, there are still those who have a habit of walking around with a lot of cash in their pockets, regardless of the risks and dangers.


Unbelievable how far this has gone. Thank you all for the positive comments about these wonderful kids!!! Update: Looks like this may be on 9news at 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM tonight. 7/25/18. Update: The mother of two of the kids has contacted me. Two news stations have also been in contact. I forwarded their information on to the mother so she can contact them if she likes. What a nice lady, such great kids!!! This happened last Wednesday, 7/18/18 at my house in Aurora Colorado. If this doesn’t renew or at least refresh your faith in humanity you need help. These kids are amazing, we would love to find them to reward them and thank them. Their parents should be so proud of them. Any help finding them would be great.

Pubblicato da Jamie Carlton su Martedì 24 luglio 2018

Anyone can get distracted and lose their wallet - there is nothing unusual about this. Perhaps, however, it is more unusual for the lost wallet to be returned to its rightful owner - especially if it contains a lot of money. The parents of these children, however, can be proud of them and their upbringing: in their innocent minds, the idea of keeping the money never seems to have entered, not even for a second.

Jamie, the owner of the wallet, had no idea who those kindly kids were, so he decided to post his surveillance camera video on Facebook, hoping to track them down and thank them properly. It didn't take long for the post to go viral, even reaching even children's families.

What can we say? These kids have shown that they have a very high sense of civic duty: our congratulations to them!
