Millionaire father appoints his younger daughter as the executor of his will, and she takes revenge on her opportunistic relatives

When it comes to money and large family inheritances, friends and relatives who have never met before and, worse still, have behaved badly, begin to show themselves for who they truly are. A user on Reddit told the story of her terrible family, in the aftermath of the death of her very rich father. The young woman contextualized her story by saying that she had had the most contact with her father, along with her brother and her father's current widow, his last wife. She was not on good terms with all the others in the family - the uncles, cousins and others. The biggest surprise, however, was that the deceased father had appointed his youngest daughter as executor of his will, i.e. the person trusted to execute the deceased individual's last will and testament and their wishes expressed therein. And it was in this role, that the young woman got the biggest revenge on her whole, horrible family.
via Reddit / ThatsDrAardvarkToYou

If you have had to deal with relatives who for years have not shown any interest in you and who then, only when certain circumstances arise, have bothered to pick up the phone to call you (only hoping to get something, like money, out of you), you can imagine how much satisfaction one can get by "taking revenge" on them. The Reddit user "ThatsDrAardvarkToYou" said that she discovered that she had become the executor of her father's will. As the youngest daughter of the deceased, this is how she was able to take matters into her own hands to "take revenge" on all her uncles and cousins who they were now trying to get money from her in the months following the loss of her father. The woman pointed out that her father was very rich, but he was not a saint, and there had been several family dramas in the past that she had not been involved in - and perhaps that is precisely why the wealthy father assigned her this important task.

It was not easy to determine the value of all of her father's assets, but with the help of professionals, the woman finally managed to nail this issue down. All of her relatives either called her, wrote to her or added her on Facebook. All of a suddent, they were taking an interest in her, wanting to know about her health and her life. Clearly, they eager to get a slice of the fortune, but their hopes were soon dashed. Here's how the woman decided to act: she decided to sell everything. She turned all her late father's assests into money by selling off his properties, cars, other vehicles, stocks, investments, etc. The woman kept a car for herself, and a car and a motorbike for her brother. "My father's best friend, a luxury car dealer, got my number from someone and complained that I hadn't sold the cars through him," said the woman to give us an idea of the dispicable nature of the people who now surrounded (and hounded) her.

"I kept turning everything I could into cash; I even sold some art and other things he had, as was my right (and it's also quite common to do as a strategy, or so I was told). Not all the houses and assets have been sold, but I have a working total that I need to split up between the family members. This is the fun part for me. "
Her father's widow will get about a third of the estate because, unlike the others, she is a good person, who has continued to work as a cleaner in a hotel and has always been proud of this, despite her marrying a rich man. "My brother will get about 25% which, frankly, is more than my dad would have given him because they weren't on very good terms. He doesn't know yet, and actually said he would be fine with just getting a car and a motorbike. He just wants to stay out of the family drama". After settling up with the deserving people, she moved on to her relatives:
An aunt who turned out to be a very wicked woman pocketed only $ 10,000 - a paltry percentage of the total fortune, but still enough to avoid being challenged in court. She also got a $ 5,000 donation to attend Alcoholics Anonymous; a misogynist uncle got $ 10,000 plus a donation of $ 5,000 which was made to a women's shelter, in his name; a second uncle, who had stayed out of the family dramas, was rewarded with a higher sum - with an extra zero added (i.e. he got $ 100,000).

Her cousins will receive an amount of $ 5,000, plus $ 1,000 for each child they have in their care - plus a donation to a good cause in their names. The most satisfying part for the woman was totally excluding from any inheritance the daughter of her father's widow - a very opportunistic and rude person, who had never been adopted or legally recognized by her father as his daughter. Simply put, the woman was not her sister and she was not legally her father's daughter: basically, she was a stranger.
"The leftover money? Well, I'll keep some for myself, of course, but I'm going to donate most of what's left. Part of it is also getting a bit of a revenge against my father, because he would have preferred to set his money on fire rather than donating part of it to those in need! " the woman stated.