"My daughter behaved very badly and as punishment, I canceled her birthday party"

Raising a child is always a great challenge. Finding the right method that is effective and leads to concrete results can sometimes be complicated. What is certain is that this cannot be ignored, above all for the good of the child, who will go on to be an adult who will need to function well in society. There is no precise and detailed manual to refer to when educating a child, but there are some things that just cannot be overlooked. And in many cases, some parents may encounter a number of difficulties in their relationship with their children - especially when the latter are in their adolescence.
This is the case with the father who is the subject of this story. This is a man who found himself in a delicate, difficult situation with his 16-year-old daughter. Let's see together what happened:
via Reddit

Flickr/Werner Kunz - Not the actual photo
In a post on Reddit, the father shared his experience about dealing with his teenage daughter. He writes: "I always tried to do my best to give my daughter a good education. I always told her how important it was to do well in school and to behave politely around others. For a while it went well, but then one day, I got a call from his school that I didn't like at all. "
According to the author's account, his daughter was following a behavioral program, along with the help of a therapist, to try to keep her on "the straight and narrow". Unfortunately, it seems that this was not enough. In fact, right at a time when things seemed to be going really well, this father received a call from the school that his daughter attended.
The father's post continues: "When I picked up the phone, they told me that she showed up with a bottle of alcohol at the school. They sent her home and gave her 5 days of suspension. As soon as I picked her up, I asked her for an explanation about the incident and she replied that it was the fault of a friend of hers - her friend had been the one who had asked her to take the alcohol to school. I grounded her. "

Pixabay - Not the actual photo
The father's most severe action, however, was his decision to punish her daughter by cancelling her birthday party. The girl was about to turn 16 and she had asked her parents to be able to hold a party. Since things were going well, and she was keeping her high school grade points about average, her mom and dad had given their permission for her to invite her friends over to celebrate together. It was too bad then, that shortly before the party, this unpleasant episode happened.
"When I told her about her punishment, she got angry, screamed at me and shut herself in her room." Later, the father admitted: "I don't know if I was right to act in this way, or if I overreacted and perhaps I could have done something differently".
The story and the author's request for advice received several comments. Many were in support of his actions; while others consider an education punctuated with punishments and deprivations to be mostly ineffective. One follower wrote: "You should opt for family therapy. Giving out punishments, taking away the girl's cell phone or canceling her party will lead to nothing" But to the contrary, other followers have pointed out that he is the parent and he must act as he sees fit to give his daughter a proper education. If disciplining her also means depriving her of something, then so be it.
What do you think? Would you have acted in the same way?