Man closes the swimming pool in his garden after the neighborhood children break the rules: he is heavily criticized

Having the opportunity to improve the summer days of the children of the neighborhood is a respectable goal, but what happens when those children are the ones who break the rules and act without showing respect? A user told his story on Reddit about how he made his above-ground pool available to the children of the neighborhood, imposing simple rules for its use - such as not letting dogs use it - but the children would not abide by the rules. And despite breaking the rules, parents and the children alike also had the audacity to complain when the man took action.
What do you think about this story?
via Reddit

Public Domain Pictures / Not the actual photo
Reddit user "Legitimate-Impact253", a 37-year-old man, wrote on Reddit that he and his fiancée had just moved to a new neighborhood which was full of kids between the ages of 9 and 10. They also they found out they were pregnant with their first child. The two were excited and happy at the idea that their child, a boy, would have so many older friends who would become his older brothers, so to speak. Some time later, however, the man was forced to change his mind.
The couple had decided they would install a garden swimming pool, so the man bought a moderately sized above-ground model. Naturally, all the children in the neighborhood were immediately attracted to this novelty and asked the owner to be allowed to use it. For the man, there was no problem: the important thing is that they should be careful and that they did not let dogs into the pool, as the coating was very fragile and could easily get ripped or torn.

Flickr / Joe Shlabotnik / Not the actual photo
"This year I opened the pool and the kids used it while we were away," wrote the man on Reddit. He continued: "When we got back, I noticed that the water level was low and I tried to fill it back up. Then I saw a rather large tear on the side and fixed it. The kids came the next day with a Labrador who also wanted to get into the pool and I told them the pool was closed." The closing of the swimming pool was not taken very well by the children or by their parents, who showed up at the couple's door to protest on behalf of their children. According to them, the man had hurt the feelings of the kids, whose only purpose was to have fun in the pool. The man explained to them very clearly that their children had not respected the rules and that they had damaged his swimming pool; he had been forced to repair it and now he no longer wanted to have further problems in this regard. None of the parents took him seriously and everyone urged him to reopen the pool to keep their children happy. Even his fiancée told him that maybe he should reopen the pool, but most of the man's Reddit followers did not have this opinion.
In addition to having broken the rules, in fact, it is very risky to allow children to use one's swimming pool: what if someone were, unfortunately, to get hurt? One could get sued. The man asked for advice precisely because he could not bear the idea of being considered in the wrong and it seems that many users have agreed with him. Are you of the same opinion?