A father and his daughter invite a hungry, homeless man to eat at their table with them

by Mark Bennett

June 10, 2022

A father and his daughter invite a hungry, homeless man to eat at their table with them

We are so unaccustomed to people doing good deeds that when we see one, we can't help but praise it and share the news with others. In a world full of indifference, and in which we tend not to trust others, it is always good to see gestures of altruistic kindness. A photographer named Willy Chong witnessed a wonderful scene that featured a dad, his daughter and a hungry, homeless man. The father offered the homeless man a hot meal and invited him to eat it at the table with himself and his daughter. The scene was immortalized in a very poignant photo.

via Facebook / Willy Chong

今天自己亲眼目睹感人一幕, 青衣的印度同胞是一名流浪汉, 站在这家肉骨茶门口看着看着,一直抚摸肚子 红衣服这位大哥看到了,就问是否肚子饿 流浪汉点头,华人大哥就邀请他一起坐下点了食物给这位流浪汉印度同胞。 #重点是小女孩没嫌弃这位老流浪汉,...

Pubblicato da Willy Chong su Sabato 18 maggio 2019

In the photo, a father and his little girl are eating a local dish of pork ribs, broth and spices - very popular in Malaysia and Singapore, where it is often eaten with one's family or at unch with friends. The two decided to share their meal with a homeless man who was hanging around looking hungry in front of the restaurant. The man who decided to invite the homeless man to join them - he had seen the hungry, poor man rubbing his stomach and watching the customers who were eating away with gusto. But clearly, he was unable to afford to buy anything to eat for himself. Faced with such a scene, the generous father decided to invite the homeless man to eat with them. Even his little girl immediately accepted the presence of the stranger, telling her father to also order a cup of tea for him.

Willy Chong, the photographer, was so impressed by the scene that he wanted to share it with the whole world, so he posted it on Facebook.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

It didn't take long before the photo went viral and inspired many positive comments from the photographer's followers, especially after Chong himself stated how moved he was to witness this scene: "There is compassion in this world. I want to praise this father and this daughter. This father is truly a role model. This is the right way to raise a child. "

As mentioned, many other people praised the behavior of this father and his daughter: "Good heart, good karma" wrote one user, while another commented: "He is teaching his child very well".

If people always showed their innate kindness, the world would surely be a better place. If you have a chance to do a good deed, don't shy away from doing so!
