She discovers her boyfriend's betrayal after recognizing his thumb in another woman's online photo

Social networks are now a well-established reality of our global society: everyone (or almost everyone), can be found on Facebook or Instagram, where the informal "rules" require that you post photo after photo from/of your private life. There would be nothing wrong with this, if it weren't for the fact that privacy now seems to be a thing of the past. There are those who take advantage of these new means and tools to keep up and check on everything and everyone ... even on their boyfriend! A girl named Jedda discovered that her boyfriend was cheating on her with another woman, thanks to a detail unearthed in a photo posted online by his lover. In short, be careful about what you post to social media about yourself, especially if you are cheating on someone who believes you are the love of their life.

Jeddah, known on TikTok as "jeddamindtricks", posted a video in which she reveals that she discovered her boyfriend's cheating through a combination of details that only a truly keen eye like hers could have spotted: her boyfriend's thumb next to what appears to be his breakfast dish. So what is the problem? That the photo in question was posted to Instagram by another woman.
"When you catch your boyfriend cheating on you because you recognized his breakfast dish and his thumb in someone else's post", reads the caption of the video in which Jeddah showed the photo in question (she did, however, hide the identity of the woman her boyfriend was cheating with). In one of her comments, Jedda explained that she did not want to make the woman's identity public since the latter, in addition to having asked her explicitly not to be publicly involved, was also going through something very similar to what Jeddah was going through - the boyfriend had lied to both of them: "Neither she nor I knew that the other existed, and we both had very good reasons to confront him after I found the photo."

The thumb was the detail in the photo that confirmed to Jeddah that it was her boyfriend. Additionally, all the food on his plate were exactly what he usually had for breakfast. Jeddah stated that it was very likely that her boyfriend had been cheating on her for more than 2 years: luckily, she was able to unmask the cheat and to leave this despicable person. Indeed, without any dealy, Jeddah left him as soon as she next saw him.
We all hope Jeddah can now start over and find a more honest man to share her life with.