"No kisses or unexpected visits": 8 rules of a mother for anyone who wants to see her baby (+ VIDEO)

Maisie Crompton, a young mom-to-be, got a lot of attention after sharing a list of things to avoid on TikTok for when friends and family will want to visit her to see her baby once she's given birth. The list includes ten points ranging from "don't kiss my child" to "no unexpected visits," - plus a number of other behaviors she believes should be avoided. The opinion of online users was divided, and many felt that Maisie's rules were too strict and restrictive. Agree or not, this mother knows that she will give birth shortly and does not want to feel under pressure, so, for this reason she has created the list of rules and has "imposed" her own regulations: after all, it is her baby and it is she alone who is going to raise the infant.

In a video posted on TikTok - which quickly went viral - the young Maisie Crompton shows a list of behaviors to avoid when visiting her and her future child:
- Please don't kiss the baby;
- No unannounced visits - for the first few days we want to be on our own;
- Do not announce the birth of our baby until we do it (on social media, or in person);
- Do not post any photos of the baby until we do;
- Do not visit us if you are sick or have sickly symptoms;
- Wash your hands before holding my baby;
- Don't ask to see the baby if you never called me during my pregnancy;
- If the baby cries, please return him/her to me or my husband.
Some of these rules are quite understandable and it is strange that they need to be made explicit in the form of a printed list, but Maisie knows that there are many nosey people in the world who do not know how to behave properly. Others, on the other hand, might think they are acting in good faith, but perhaps forget to wash their hands or ignoring a little cough they have just before entering Maisie's home. The young mother is in her first pregnancy and she just wants everything to be as perfect as possible, without any inconvenience for her and, above all, for her baby.
Several users applauded this mom's actions: "One might think rule number one is an obvious thing not to do..but people still do it! It's something that bothers me so much!" commented one user, referring to those who kiss small children automatically. Another user wrote: "I only allowed my family to visit us two weeks after giving birth, it was the best decision I made."
What do you think: are these rules too strict or unreasonable?