This woman spent $ 10,000 having a baby: "I wanted to become a mother, but I couldn't find my soul mate"

What could be the greatest joy for a man or a woman? Many would say, perhaps, the joy of becoming parents. This has certainly been the case for the person we want to tell you about in this story.
Nikki Zachariou had always wanted to have a baby, but she couldn't find the right person to start a family with. So, after her last relationship ended, the woman decided to get on with her life once and for all and she continued on as a single woman. Keep reading to find out how things went:
via Metro
Nikki is a dance teacher living in Jersey, France. Since she was 30, her greatest desire was to have a baby and this desire constantly played a part in every relationship she had. Unfortunately, however, she reached the age of 38 and after three serious relationships with men, she was single again and believed she was about to her dream fade away. Determined not to let things go this way, Nikki went to the doctor to ask for her eggs to be frozen while waiting for her soul mate - and here, she had an epiphany.
Aware of her personal history and of the boundless she had to start a family, her doctor advised her to go it alone and become a single mother. Without much hesitation, Nikki made her first attempt at this (artificial fertilization) which, unfortunately, failed. But tenacity was her strong point, so, as soon as she had saved up again, this strong woman underwent a second fertilization treatment and, this time, the stork arrived.
Nine months later, Nikki gave birth to her wonderful baby, Kobi. The new mother said: "The second treatment was a success. My loved ones were very confused at the beginning, but then they accepted my decision and they all supported me. Luckily, my doctor opened my eyes and exposed me to the possibility of doing everything I wanted (having a baby) and without waiting for the 'perfect father' who, perhaps, would never turn up. So I did what I had to and finally I got what I wanted".
This was an achievement, that made Nikki very happy and proud. Of course, $ 10,000 is not a small amount, but one will do this, and more, to be able to reach one's goals. And in this case, Nikki has brought someone into the world who, we are sure, will love her more than anyone.
We just want to wish Nikki a wonderful life together with her little Kobi.