Young boy decides to dress up like his school security guard, because he is his "favorite person"

Every child has their hero and, usually, it is always one from some comic or a cartoon character. But children, however, know how to surprise us in unexpected ways. Young Easton, who is 5 years old, decided to participate in the "Dress like your favorite person" day, by choosing to copy the appearance of the security officer at his school. The little student asked his mom to dress him up so he could look like his hero and show his appreciation for the security officer. So, his mother made him a custom T-shirt and this greatly surprised Jeffery Cross, the security officer the little boy hero-worshipped.
via E! News online
Facebook user Melissa Zygowicz shared the touching moment in a series of photos on her account with the following caption: "Today was 'Dress up like your favorite person' day at school. 5-year-old Easton wanted to pretend to be the security guard at his school, so his Mom made him a special shirt and surprised the guard, Jeffery, when he went to school. They sure are great friends! "
Jacksonville North Pulaski School District also shared news of the event on Facebook and one of the authors wrote: "Look Here! Today is 'Dress Like Your Favorite Person' Day at Lester Elementary. Easton, a 5-year-old kindergarten student, dressed up as Officer Jeffrey Cross, his school security guard," the post read.
This is the first year that the Jacksonville North Pulaski School District has employed armed security officers to safeguard the school. Cross said the children asked him many questions about this and he told them that he "is armed to protect them from someone bad who might try to come and hurt them."
Easton's mom said the boy "is fascinated by Agent Cross. Every day he says to me, 'Cross is my best friend! He keeps us safe from bad guys, mom.'"
After realizing that his presence at the school has greatly influenced a child like Easton, Agent Cross - who is also a father of a child - said: "It makes me appreciate my work even more. From the first day of school, Easton came over and hugged me. He's adorable. He has a very funny and lively personality. "
Let's face it, a child's innocence is one of the purest things we can witness in this world. We are sure that whenever Officer Cross is feeling down, this wonderful experience will lift his spirits and encourage him to keep going.