Young woman offers a coffee to a homeless man and lets him sit at her table: he writes her a touching thank-you note

by Mark Bennett

June 26, 2022

Young woman offers a coffee to a homeless man and lets him sit at her table: he writes her a touching thank-you note

Let's face it: it doesn't happen often that we witness gestures of altruism and, when we do see one, we are always amazed and surprised. Fortunately, however, there are those who know how to perform the wonderful actions towards others and also do it very spontaneously. This is exactly what happened in the story we are about to tell you about.

The subject of the story is a young woman who met a homeless man and held out her hand to him: for her, this was a gesture like many others she had made; for the man, it was not at all normal - on the contrary, the attention the woman gave him has changed the course of his life for the better. Let's find out together what this young woman did:

via Casey Fischer/Facebook

today I went to Dunkin and saw a clearly homeless guy singing on the side of the road and picking up change. Eventually...

Pubblicato da Casey Fischer su Mercoledì 20 maggio 2015

Casey Fischer is a young woman who, on an ordinary day, and on a break from studying, went to the place where she usually went to have a coffee. As she was arriving, she spotted a person walking near her: a homeless man was begging for some coins on the street, trying to get enough to afford something to eat. Shortly after witnessing this scene, and once she entered the coffee shop, Casey saw the man enter behind her and go to the counter with the money he had raised.

But the homeless man had raised only about $ 1 dollar - insufficient to buy even one cup of coffee. This is where our subject intervened. Not only did she offer to buy him a coffee and a donut, but she also invited him to sit at her table. So, for about an hour, they chatted awaqy and the man - who said his name was Chris - told her about his life.

Since his mother passed away and without a father (who he had never known), he had been through moments of great difficulty. Despite everything, he always had one goal: to become the person his mother wanted him to be and who would make her happy and proud. Unfortunately, he had failed in this quest, and his failure had had led to depression and very negative thinking. But then, Casey came along, and everything changed for the desperate man.


When the girl realized she had to go back to class, Chris asked her to wait a moment. He wrote her a note and handed it to her: "I had decided to give up, but you gave me back some hope. Thank you". This was a reaction that the young woman did not expect. Happy with what happened, Casey posted a photo of the note on Facebook and told her story. The reactions and comments from her followers were fast in coming, and the post was shared multiple times. Moved and appreciative, many thanked the young woman for having made this kind gesture to help out a desperate human being.

We want to join the chorus of thanks and hope that this kind action can be an example for those who, like this young woman, will find themselves in similar situations and decide to behave in the same way. Thanks, Casey!
