Gay couple adopts 3 orphaned siblings: "We wanted to change their lives, but they changed ours instead"

by Mark Bennett

July 16, 2022

Gay couple adopts 3 orphaned siblings: "We wanted to change their lives, but they changed ours instead"

Cristián and Rodrigo are a gay couple living in Chile. The two have been together for more than 18 years and in 2013 they got married in the United States. Two years later, they entered into a civil union agreement in Chile and finally, after many years together, they decided to expand their family.

So, they decided to adopt three children who had been entrusted to the National Children's Service of the country called "Sename". To do so, however, they had to face some bureaucratic challenges that could have prevented them from fulfilling their dream of becoming fathers.


The couple, in fact, were forced to cancel their civil union agreement, as Chilean law prevents gay couples from adopting. As a result, only Cristián was able to apply for the adoption process and is currently listed as the legal father of the children, which generates a number of limitations on their daily lives. However, the couple's desire to become parents was stronger than any obstacle, so the two proceeded to embark on the path of adoption anyway.

During the struggel, the couple said they had no age or gender preferences and that "they just wanted to change the lives of a few children and, if they were siblings too, it would be the ideal solution".

"When you have a wide expectation of the children you want to have, the processes are actually far quicker and for ours, from the moment we were declared suitable as adopters, it only took a month," said the couple.


As soon as the procedure was finalized, the phase of getting to know the children - who would now be part of a new family - began: "We sent them videos, made phone calls and held video calls with them over Zoom. Little by little, we got to know them". Finally, a month and a half after completing the initial formalities, they were able to meet the kids in person. "They hugged us and called us 'dad'. All five of us hugged each other in one happy group."

Their story was widely publicized in the media and social networks, and this motivated the couple to create an Instagram account called "Dos papas en Chile". On this account, they recount the details of their family relationships to tens of thousands of followers and are seen as a role model and example for many gay couples trying to follow in their footsteps. And all of this is happening in the context of the debate that is taking place in Chile now about the legality of gay marriage.

"We thought we were going to change the lives of these three children, but in the end, they were the ones who changed our lives and it was a wonderful process," the couple commented. Although it is still very difficult for gay and lesbian couples to adopt children, Cristián and Rodrigo never gave up and today, they say they are a very happy family, full of love, respect and understanding.
