Son behaves badly towards a classmate: His mother forces him to apologize with flowers and chocolates

by Mark Bennett

July 01, 2022

Son behaves badly towards a classmate: His mother forces him to apologize with flowers and chocolates

Samm Jane is a 32-year-old single mom who lives with her family in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK. The woman became very popular on the web for sharing her thoughts about a horrible story that had her son and a classmate of his as the principle actors. According to what she says in her story, the boy messaged a young girl with some very rude, insulting words and which sent his mother into her fury. And so she decided to impose a unique punishment on her son.

We tell you about what happened in this article and how this mother reacted in respect to the adolescent's poor behavior.

via sammjane2/Tik Tok

sammjane2/Tik Tok

sammjane2/Tik Tok

In a video posted on her TikTok account, Samm recounted the experience she had with her 12-year-old son. She did this to encourage other parents to pay close attention to their children's behavior and manners. Samm stated that guiding kids, knowing what they are up to and how they are relating to others, should not be seen as a form of brutal control, but an opportunity to teach them good manners and how to live in polite society. "When I was contacted by my son's school and I was told that he had sent a very rude messages to one of his friends, I was very angry," said the woman. "As soon as he got home, I ordered him to hand me his phone and on it I saw what he had done: he had written and sent out some totally unacceptable insults - I was shocked". Her son had sent insulting and demeaning messages to a young girl (who was also one of his classmates).

At this point the woman asked the reason for her son's behavior and then she started lecturing him to make him understand that words have weight and this must always be taken into account. "You should know that now your classmate might feel very insecure when looking in the mirror," she told her son. But this lecture was still not enough for Samm, and she decided to take further punitive action.

sammjane2/Tik Tok

sammjane2/Tik Tok

A few days earlier, her son had turned 12 and received some gifts of cash. This mother decided that part of the money would be used to buy a bouquet of flowers and chocolates to take to the insulted girl. That's right, the woman forced her son to apologize to his classmate and accompanied him to her house. Once they arrived, not only did the boy have to give the gifts to the young woman, but he also had to make amends and ask for forgiveness for the very ugly phrases he made about her.

Back home, Samm tried to explain to her son how important it is not to act like this. She pointed out to him that due to bullying and similar phenomena, many people withdraw into themselves, begin to consider themselves of little or no value and, in extreme cases, can even take their own lives. These are considerations that, according to the woman, every parent should try to make their children aware of.

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

The actions of this mother were very much appreciated on the web. She said: "In the three days following the publication of the video, my phone rang continuously". As it turns out, the post hit over a million views in next to no time. Many users congratulated her for the wisdom she used in deciding to not only talk to the boy, but also to have him give an apology to his classmate. "As a mother of two daughters, I thank you for what you have done. Parenting is difficult, but you are a good mother"; "You did well and I'm sure he'll become a good guy". These were just some of the comments that were posted where people showed their admiration for the woman and thanked her for not only teaching her 12-year-old an important lesson, but also sharing it to emphasize the need to fight bullying in school.

sammjane2/Tik Tok

sammjane2/Tik Tok

Bullying is a phenomenon that is becoming more and more widespread and creates havoc in the life of many adolescents. But it is also a phenomenon that many ignore and refuse to address as a serious problem. The key thing is to always act in time to make it clear that making fun of others, offending them and lashing out at them in an insulting way is not a healthy path to follow. On the contrary, we should be kind and value others as we do ourselves.

What do you think about this story?
