Young man finds a handbag in a shopping cart with a wallet inside: he gives everything back to the owner

Honesty is something that is in the news frequently nowadays because, perhaps, being honest is no longer in fashion. In an increasingly cruel world - in which everyone seems to look only after themselves - it is always nice to know that there are still some people who are not dishonest. Eliana Martin believed that she had lost her wallet forever after going shopping, and never thought for a moment that someone with an honest heart might find and return it to her. But in fact, it didn't take long at all for a young man to show up at her front door to return her lost handbag which contained the wallet - and with all the money and credit cards intact. Eliana was greatly surprised by this and she showered the young man with thanks for doing his civic duty.
Anyone who loses their wallet knows that the first thing they have to do is call their bank and block the credit cards to avoid any fraudulent withdrawals. Unfortunately, the money and documents contained within it are lost forever, and for this reason, it is advisable not to walk around with too much cash in your pocket (or in your wallet/purse). Eliana Martin immediately proceeded to block her cards, regretting having forgotten her handbag in a shopping cart shortly beforehand.
Fortunately for her, however, young Adrian Rodriguez was the first to notice the woman's forgetfulness and, without thinking about it twice, he decided to return everything to its rightful owner. At first, he was not sure whether to take the bag to the shop's checkout or not, or rather to personally go to the woman's house (whose address he had found in the documents in the hangbag). Eventually, Adrian went for this second option.

"My first thought was to return the lost property," said the young man, who went to the woman's address and handed the handbag back to one of Eliana's relatives. The woman was very surprised by Adrian's kind gesture, and his act of outstanding civic duty was recorded by the security camera at home's entrance. One of Eliana's friends, Melina Marquez, proposed they find the young man to thank him personally: "We should find him, so we can thank him in person." The woman commented incident: "As soon as I saw what he had done, I thought, 'I hope my son grows up to be just like him'. I'm glad he has kept all the values his parents have taught him."
Adrian did not expect anything in return for his actions, but the women decided to thank him by starting a fundraiser on GoFundMe. The goal was to get $ 1,000 dollars, but, as of now, this goal has been exceeded, by far (it stood at $13,160 dollars as at July 3, 2022).
Let's give a round of applause for this young guy's honesty!