"I talked about my salary on TikTok and was immediately fired"

Work is the means that allows us to earn money so that we can face life, enjoy free moments and do what we most want to. Unfortunately, however, work can also be a source of stress and problems that put a strain on many people. The nature of the difficulties encountered differs from case to case. There are times when you can solve issues in a short time and without too many consequences; but then there are times when problems are not resolved easily or satisfactorily.
This is the type of problematic situation in which the young woman we want to tell you about in this story has found herself. She was an employee who, for sharing information regarding her salary, was fired from her job. Here is her story:

The subject of this story is Lexi Larson, a young employee who, after being hired by a company in Denver, was subsequently fired shortly thereafter. In a video on TikTok, she described the incident. She published information about her salary to her TikTok account and this was brought her bosses attention and they fired her. That's right. Although it was legal for her to disclose information about her salary (and there were no clauses in her contract forbidding this), the company considered it inappropriate for her to have done this and fired her on the spot.

This action took Lexi by surprise and shocked many of her followr who got to know about this story. Lexi asked her supervisor if the content of her video had harmed society in any way and got this answer: "No, not at the moment, but it could happen in the future and we don't want any problems." This was an answer that did not answer her question satisfactorily.
Since Lexi was convinced that she had done nothing wrong and her bosses basically confirmed this, she saw fit to publish her story on the web, asking for advice. Almost everyone sided with her and encouraged her to pursue the issue. A lawyer even wrote to her, writing: "As someone with experience in this area, I advise you to contact a good lawyer, because this could be a case of unfair dismissal". Other readers said the same, but Lexi had not considered this as possible. Lexi, in the end, preferred not to take legal action against her ex-employer.

It is true that social media must be used responsibly, but it is also true that sharing information about your salary is perhaps not a good idea. Notwithstanding this, Lexi's employers could have talked to her, asked her to be more discrete, or maybe tried to understand why she had done what she did. Instead of this, they chose to fire her.
Acceptable behavior by this company or not? What do you think about this story?