Mother gets her 18-year-old daughter to sign a lease: "If she wants to stay and live with me, she has to pay $ 100 rent a month."

Every parent believes they have a valid set of golden rules for raising their children and, although many of these rules are shared by everyone, many other rules imposed by some parents spark a lot of controversy. This is the case of a mom who told TikTok that she had made her 18-year-old daughter sign a lease agreement, in which the teenager agrees to pay a $ 100 dollars a month rent to live in the house with her. This mother wanted to empower her daughter and teach her the value of her money, as well as the meaning of saving and making sacrifices. Not everyone, however, agreed with this educational method.
via TikTok / c_d_g

In the video posted by this mother, the caption says what the topic is clearly: "When your 18-year-old daughter decides to stay at home". The woman had her daughter sign a lease, agreeing for her to pay a monthly rent of approximately $ 100 dollars. While the girl signs the important document, the caption in the video changes to "Preparation for success", suggesting strongly that this mother only has good intentions towards her daughter. In the comments, users are divided on the issue: there are those who argue that this is a good method to educate children to be more responsible. Others, however, believe that it is absurd to charge a child for what a parent should normally do, i.e. take care of them.

Many teenagers were opposed to this educational method, and commented that this would cause a rupture in familial relationships. The controversy was so heated, that in the end, the woman decided to publish a follow-up video in which she responded to all the criticisms, explaining the context in which her decision was made: "I was a single mother at 16 and my parents didn't prepare me for success, I had to fight for every single thing I have,” the Oklahoma mom said at the start of the video.

Many users praised this teaching method, as it will show the young woman how to be responsible, to get a job and to understand the meaning of money and savings. In short, all the things that will serve her well in her life as an adult, in which one should be as independent as possible. Regardless of your opinion on the matter, we can all agree on one point: if the young woman in question benefits from this arrangement in the future - thanks to the lessons given her by her mother, it will be worth it!