Uncle asks his nephews and nieces not to bring chocolate into the house for the sake of his dogs: they break the rules

Uncles are important members of a family: they are the first confidants for their nephews and nieces, and in most cases - especially when they are single - they are the first to offer to babysit and help out in other ways. In fact, almost all uncles set rules for their nephews and nieces to follow which help them follow the straight and narrow. But what happens when these rules are broken? Nothing good, of course, as we will see in the story recounted below.
via Reddit

Unsplash - Nathan Dumlao (Not the Actual Photo)
A 37-year-old man, single and childless, turned to the web to understand whether or not he had acted properly. "I have 4 sisters and they have 10 children in total, so I often babysit them. I work from home and am almost always available to watch the kids (as I can work easily while they are in my apartment). When the parents need help, I can shift my schedule around a bit to help out. Yesterday 4 of my nephews and nieces were at my house (3, 5, 7 and 8 years old respectively). The 7-year-old and 8-year-old are brothers", he said, adding that he also has two German Shepherds, who are much loved by children.
"In my house there is only one very strict rule: no chocolate. It's not good for the dogs, I don't like it and children can easily go without chocolate for one afternoon," he explained. "The 7 and 8 year olds obviously brought some chocolate with them and shared it with their other cousins, hiding it away from me. I was in the kitchen making them a drink and they were in the living room. My dogs sleep on the balcony. I walked into the living room and there were chocolate crumbs all over the place." When the uncle asked who brought the chocolate, the 7 and 8-year-olds initially lied, but later admitted that their mom had given it to them and that they always had some with them when they visited, but they always ate it in secret.

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo
"When my sister came to pick her kids up a few hours later, I told her what had happened and she said her kids are old enough to eat chocolate, if they have any. I told her I will never babysit for her again. She was furious and said that I was going too far. My other sister agrees with her. My mother thinks that I was wrong too and that I should have kept the dogs away from the kids," said the man, asking for opinions from Reddit users.
Most users agreed with the uncle, stating that it is a reasonable rule and that the most serious issue is that his sister allowed her kids to break the rules. Users urged the uncle to raise the issue again with his sisters: "If they argue that children are mature enough not to make a mess or to eat chocolate around the dogs without endangering them, that's not the point. You can't babysit children who regularly break the rules you have set. It's not safe for the dogs either." What do you think?