At the age of 14, he passed an exam to enter a medical faculty, ranking 22nd in the results

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a teenager? Maybe video games, football matches, afternoons spent with friends playing and chatting about age-appropriate topics. All things that, pretty much, we all experienced around the age of 12 or 13 years of age. Simple and carefree things that accompany moments of leisure spent outside of school.
These are things that the subject of the story we are about to tell you also does, but to which he adds a bit more. In fact, Caio loves leisure time, but what he loves even more is studying, and this led him to forge ahead, to become one of the best students in the world and to pass the medical exam to enter a university. Don't believe this? Well, you would be wrong, because this 14 year old is a real legend and, in this article, we will tell you about his story.
via Roma News
Caio Temponi is a 14-year-old Brazilian boy who has left everyone speechless by his scolastic achievements, despite his young age. In the second year of high school, Caio actually studies the cirriculum of the third year as he is far ahead of his peers of the same age. In many interviews that he and his family have given, his mother, Laurismara, stated: "We realized that he was special from when he was very young. He was still going to kindergarten when he surprised us by being able to memorize all the times tables in a single day", said the woman. "We were shocked. It was incredible what was he had managed to do".
The massive progress this young boy made, however, was not initially seen as a positive thing by his parents. They were concerned about him - so much so that they took him to specialists to make sure that there was nothing for them to worry about (like Caio having savant syndrome, for example). Fortunately, the boy had nothing wrong with him and is simply very intelligent. In fact, he has managed to pass the admission exam to a medical faculty and an exam to become an air cadet - as well as obtaining many other awards.

These are incredible feats which Caio has committed himself to, body and soul. In fact, intent on increasing his knowledge even further, every night he goes to bed around 22:00 so as to be able to get up early and start studying from 07:00. "I am interested in everything," said the boy. "There is nothing I do not like to study, but mathematics and physics are the subjects I really love. When I grow up I intend to become a doctor or a judge, so that I can support myself financially. But I want to also do something to help other people " Ciao has also offered his help to others by creating a Youtube channel which shares free math lessons that he himself gives.
In short, this youngster is not only gifted with great intellect, but also with strong generosity and kindness that, we are sure, will make him a special person - more than he already is - don't you think?