She is 2m tall, he is 1.60m: "as soon as I met him, I realized he was special and my height didn't scare him off"

Are there any rules to follow when choosing a life partner? Obviously not. The only determining factor is one's heart and this is not something that can be controlled. Most people not to fixate too much on others' physical appearance, but try look beyond the cosmetic and seek a deeper connection with the person they want to be with.
The spouses who are the subjects of this story know this very well. Defying any so-called socially acceptable standards, they have paid no attention to the height difference between them and continue to love each other deeply. Here is their story:
via Legit

Elisane Silva and Francinaldo Da Silva Carvalho have become famous on the web for being one of the most "unusual" couples in the world. Why? Just look at the photos to understand why: Elisane is 2 meters tall, while Francinaldo is ony 1.62 meters tall. Almost 40 centimeters in height separate them, but that has never caused them any problems. In fact, they met for the first time in 2011 and, only 4 years later, they decided to get married and formalize their union.
In an interview Elisane said: "He never looked at me strangely because of my height and that struck me. As soon as we met, I felt that there was something special between us and our height difference of 40 centimeters never became an issue". The couple's love story has continued for many years and it's a union from which two beautiful children have been born.
The significant "difference in height" between Francinaldo and Elisane has also given them great popularity on the web - so much so, that they have decided to play on this diversity and to shoot videos they post to TikTok in which they joke around and show off their daily family life.
They are a happy and serene couple that once again demonstrates how strong love can be and how social standards shoudl not determine whether or not we should be with a specific person. At first glance, it is very strange to see a woman with a partner who is much shorter than she is - this is because usually, the man is taller. But if there is mutual respect, a strong attraction and the desire look past appearances, everything becomes much easier.
This is a sentiment which many users, who follow the couple on TikTok, agree with and show in the affectionate comments they post to the couple's account. And we too congratulate these spouses and wish them a great life together!