Single woman adopts a teenager: "At first he didn't even call me mom - now we're a family"

Many people, upon reaching adulthood, have a strong desire to become parents, but this is not always possible. Sometimes nature is cruel and strikes us with sterility. At other times, fate does not let us find a soul mate that we would like to have children with.
Fortunately, in many countries of the world, like the United States, it is still possible to adopt a child or, alternatively, provided foster care services, even if you are single. And that's what Charity Newman, a 32-year-old elementary school teacher, did.
Charity had always dreamed of being a mom, but, over time, this goal seemed increasingly impossible to achieve and she was beginning to resign herself to the fact that she would not have a family. Later, however, she realized that surrender was not the right path to take and, at any cost, she wanted to try to make a difference in the lives of the children.
"I wasn't sure my husband would agree, but I brought up the topic of providing foster care at regular intervals. It took a few years, but one day, he gave in and told me he was ready," Charity said. She continued: "We got the license and our adventure began within the year. I got the official email while I was in Atlanta, Georgia. I burst into tears. I couldn't believe that soon there would be the patter of feet in my home."
Shortly thereafter, the first foster children arrived: "They called me mom from day one," the woman recalled. A few months later, Andre, a boy who was nearly 15 years old arrived. "He told me that he would never call me mom. I understood this and accepted it." Charity's house was now full of children. "I was happy and sad at the same time, because I was having an experience that could end at any moment and I had no control over it," Charity explained.
Meanwhile, the marriage between Charity and her husband began to fall apart: after 10 years together, the two opted for a mutual separation. The separation from her spouse did not prevent Charity from continuing to be available for her foster care services: "Since I opened my home I have had a total of 13 kids." Among the various comings and goings of the children, the only one who remained was Andre, the boy who initially refused to call her "mom". On Charity's 32nd birthday, she received court approval to proceed with her official adoption of Andre. "We celebrated at the Cheesecake Factory. By the way, he calls me Mom now. He has curly hair and, in the sun, you can see a hint of red. He has the most beautiful freckles extending down his cheeks the sweetest smile I have ever seen. I tuck him in every night and cuddle him on Sunday afternoons while we watch TV. He gives the best hugs and I am finally the proudest mom in the world. He is mine, and I am his. And for us, our family is perfect. My dream that has come true,” Charity said.
The two live together with two dogs, in an apartment with two bedrooms and one bathroom. Given the limited space, Charity is no longer available for foster care, but from time to time she lends a hand to other foster families, does volunteer work at foster homes, and to holds the position as vice president of the association that deals with adoptions in her local area.
Truly a story with a happy ending that touched users on the web and filled many hearts with joy.