Elderly man bequeaths half of his estate to a kind shop cashier: the man doesn't know whether to accept it or not

Truly generous people, when they help others, never expect anything in return: when someone shows their gratitude towards them, most of the time they are genuinely surprised and moved, sometimes even embarrassed. This is exactly what happened to the employee of a supermarket, who asked the web for advice to decide whether or not he should accept a generous bequest from an elderly customer with whom he had been friends for some years.
Here is what happened:
via Reddit

"I work in a supermarket. I have an elderly client with whom I have chatted a lot over the years and I gave him my phone number to call me if he feels too sick to do the shopping so I can take groceries to him," explained the young Englishman. The young man occassionally took shopping around to the gentleman's house and, during the course of the years, the old man got his name, surname and address. "I wrote my details down on a note one day, thinking that he had asked me for my emergency contacts info - in case something happened to me," continued the cashier.
Much to his surprise, the supermarket employee discovered the real reason for the old man's request: "Today he told me it was for his will, which will split everything he has between myself and a charity. I think he has grown children but they are getting nothing. I told him I don't want his money, but he said his will will stay as is."

Despite the extremely generous gesture on the part of the old man, the cashier has doubts: "I'm afraid that, when he is gone, the police may investigate me and think that I forced him to change his will or something like that. After all, who leaves 50% of their assets to a cashier of a store? I know he has used a lawyer to fulfil his wishes. I should try to find out who the lawyer is and call him. Perhaps he can take my name off the will and leave his entire estate to his family or a charity? I'm afraid others will say I took advantage of the old man," he explained, asking the internet for advice on how to proceed.
Users saluted his integrity and reassured him that there is no need to discuss the issue further and that no one will ever be able to criticize him: "The old man is of sound mind and he wants what he wants! Anyone who disputes this will end up spending their money trying to prove that the old man was not sane. That said, when he passes away, you can choose to refuse your share. This way, the money will go to the secondary heir, which is the charity," wrote one person.
What do you think of his situation and what would you do?