Young, broke foreigner finds a wallet with €400 euros and returns it to the authorities

by Mark Bennett

September 09, 2022

Young, broke foreigner finds a wallet with €400 euros and returns it to the authorities

There are moments in life that can be difficult, and it is precisely in those moments that one hopes for a miracle. Finding a wallet containing €400 euros could actually be that long-awaited miracle. But the wallet obviously belongs to someone who, unfortunately, must have lost it. Here, then, a strong civic sense and personal conscience comes into play. Soumaila Keita, 28, who arrived in Italy on a boat as a refugee, made the right choice when he found a small fortune in his hands. Although the young man does not have a home and his future is uncertain, he turned in the wallet full of cash to the authorities.

Un gesto veramente nobile

Pubblicato da Next quotidiano su Martedì 23 agosto 2022

Try putting yourself in Soumaila's shoes and then in those of the wallet owner: how would you have acted? The young man from Mali did not hesitate a moment when he found an identity document contained in the wallet. Soumaila got on his bicycle and cycled for 4 km (one way), from Cornegliano, Lodi (the town where he found his wallet), to the police station at the capital. Such a gesture, in the hot August sun, is not for everyone, especially if you are facing the difficulties Soumalia ha. The young man has no home and no job - since his contract as a caregiver in Milan expired - and he has had to make do with the help of his friends.

Pxhere / Not the actual photo

Pxhere / Not the actual photo

His gesture was immediately recognized also by the carabinieri of Lodi, who publicly praised him: "A 28-year-old foreign man has shown himself to be a person of great value" said Major Gabriele Schiaffini. "A unique than rare gesture, which is even more striking given the precarious situation experienced by the young man, for months without a job" continued the Major, concluding: "We hope that his gesture does not go unnoticed and that, perhaps, will be rewarded. We would be happy to help him find a new job soon."

We hope, therefore, that after the challenges that Soumaila has had to face and the difficulties he is still facing, his future will be brighter soon.
