Father is criticized for the frugal birthday he organized for his son: "The cake is too small"

The current economic crisis is affecting even the simplest things: for example, celebrating a birthday can be too expensive for some. A father, however, decided to try to make his son's birthday special in a simple way: by accompanying his child to a fast food restaurant and then blowing out the candles on a small strawberry cake.
The child folded his hands, closed his eyes reverently and made a wish as he blew out the candle. His father filmed everything on a smartphone, but this clip got a lot of criticism. Let's find out why:
The tender scene was shared on Facebook, where it received dozens of negative comments. Some criticized the father, considering it "lazy and inappropriate" to celebrate a birthday at a fast food restaurant. Others, criticized the size of the cake: "Don't buy a tiny cake if you can't afford a decent-sized on," they wrote.
There are also those who have even criticized the father's choice to have a son because he is too "poor" to be able to guarantee him an quality lifestyle: "If life is so difficult for you, you shouldn't have had babies".

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo
Of course, some users were quick to defend the dad: "This father is doing his best to give his son the best gifts he can, so why criticize him?" wrote one reader. "Happiness is not in the size of the cake or in a fast food dinner, but is in the company of the family," noted another.
"I don't know their history, but I see this little boy is smiling sweetly: he's lucky to have a father who loves him," commented one positive reader. "Compared to a rich father who forgets his son's birthday, a father who is like this is really generous in spirit," said another reader.
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