"I spent €70,000 euros on plastic surgery to look like Ken from Barbie doll fame and I do not want to stop"

The standards of beauty shown on social media arenas in recent times, are basically unattainable. Thanks to the use of software such as Photoshop or other editing tools on Instagram or Facebook, we can all appear without the slightest physical defect: but we must always remember that the real world is very different.
David Kosir, 27, does not think like this, as he is investing time and money to achieve a specific goal: in recent years, he has undergone several operations, having his nose touched up, his teeth fixed, his hair transplanted and his freckles removed with the laser - for a total cost of about €70,000 euros.
via TheWorldNews

"I really like the plastic, fake look," he said. "I'm trying to get a look similar to that of the Ken doll, which would be the ultimate in aesthetics for me." The young man started his journey in 2019 with lip filling, then quickly moved on to cheek augmentation and finally to his jaw and chin. "Initially, I didn't have any plans, but I never really liked my nose, so I always knew I wanted to fix it," he explained. So in May 2021, he underwent his first plastic surgery operation: a €9,000 euro rhinoplasty in Melbourne, Australia, where he lives.
David continued his "perfection" path inspired by the models he followed on social media. "I followed social media; I saw the models and I thought they had perfect teeth and beautiful hair. So, I wanted a similar improvement too," he said. He spent around €17,000 euros to fix the upper arch of his teeth. Later, he traveled to Turkey spending an additional €5,000 euros to fix his lower teeth arch and € 9,000 euros for a hair transplant. Soon after, he felt dissatisfied with his freckles, and underwent a €2,000 euro laser treatment to have them removed.

David is documenting his transformation on TikTok and - despite taking a short break from filler treatments - has another set of cosmetic surgeries in mind. He has scheduled an eye lift, an upper and lower blepharoplasty (eyelid reduction), a temple and cheek lift, and a fat transfer operatio.
Despite the avalanche of criticism he receives online, he has also found support from some of his followers and intends to continue sharing his transformations online to encourage others to do whatever makes them happy. "Do what you want in life, because you only have one," commented David. "It doesn't matter if you are judged for it, you have to be comfortable with yourself and live your life."
What do you think of his bold choice? Would you ever do such a thing?