Supervisor forbids an employee to use the phone: when she gets stuck in the elevator, no one comes to help her

How often do we wish that fate would give us justice in the workplace? Often, there are unpleasant bosses and supervisors who abuse their employees to satisfy their authoritarian drives, when instead, they do nothing but create an unproductive working climate.
Well, from time to time, fate steps in to help the "good guys", as shown by this story, which was shared online by a young saleswoman working at a record and video shop.
via Reddit

"I got a job at a record and video shop near my house: it's a small, family-run shop with three different branches in the city. The job is perfect for me. Flexible hours, decent pay - but the only drawback was the supervisor, Amanda. She seemed unhappy with how her life had turned out. As a result, she dumped all her problems on anyone she could, especially the employees. She wasn't even nice to customers," explained the young woman.
The supervisor only worked there because she was the owner's daughter-in-law. The saleswoman explained her dissatisfaction to Ken, the owner, but he simply sighed and told the young woman to stay away from the supervisor as much as possible. "I got the distinct impression that Ken didn't care very much for her either, but she was his daughter-in-law," she said.

"One day, I was on the phone with a customer taking an order, when Amanda wanted to make a call. She snatched the phone from my hand, started yelling at me and said," You're never going to use this phone again, OK? " I bit my tongue and replied "OK." A month later, she went on another rant: I had to go to the bathroom after a seven hour shift and Amanda started kicking the bathroom door telling me to get out. After insulting me, she told me in no uncertain terms that I was not allowed to leave the shop floor while I was on duty," wrote the woman, adding that, once again, she replied to the supervisor with a simiple "OK".
Then the day of payback arrived: "I was in my department sorting out the DVDs when the elevator technician advised me that he had to go and get a replacement part to repair the lift and that the job would run late. Shortly afterwards, I noticed Amanda had stepped into the lift. I thought she realized it wasn't working properly: it went down half a floor and then stopped - perfectly halfway between two floors. She was stuck. "

Amanda shouted for the saleswoman to come and help her out, but she, trying to remain as serious as possible, replied that she was not allowed to leave the shop floor (a rule Amanda had made). The woman was furious and eventually asked her to phone for help. Again, the saleswoman replied that she could not break the rules by using the telephone. "She swore at me, saying I was fired," she said. Savoring her revenge, the saleswoman left the shop, putting up a sign that read: "Closed until 19.00 due to unforeseen circumstances".
The owner, Ken, saw the saleswoman heading home and asked her what had happened. "I told him the full story and the absurd rules set by Amanda. Then I told him that she was stuck in the elevator and that I had been fired." Ken was stunned by the young saleswoman's story, but then started laughing: "I really should and help her, but I'm busy gardening and I'd dirty the shop," he replied. Then he reassured the young woman that she would be paid for the day and that she still had her job. He also promised he would deal with Amanda and her bad attitude.
What do you think about this story?