It's her son's first day of school: this mother can't hold back her tears

The first day of school is an important milestone in a child's life. This is the first step towards cultural and social growth. But, of course, the little ones are not fully aware of this and most approach their new routines with curiosity and perhaps a pinch of fear. This is not usually the same for parents, who, when seeing their children with their backpacks going to school, typically have emotions of pride.

Jahzeel Castro Panca managed to capture a moment like this: he filmed a mother in tears as she watched her child go to school for the first time. Jahzeel then shared the video on his TikTok account, unaware that it would go viral very quickly.
As seen in the video, the child takes his first steps towards the school with the guidance of the teacher. Despite the completely new experience, the little one appears very calm and confident. The same cannot be said of his mother who, while she is intent on filming the event with her smartphone, suddenly bursts into tears. With a smile on her lips and tears streaming down her cheeks, the woman seems genuinely thrilled to see her beloved son take his first steps towards independence.

The video has garnered nearly 7 million views and hundreds of comments. "This is a very poignant moment: it is a new experience for the children, but also for the parents", stated one reader. "It happened to me too. I wanted to cry, but I stopped because I saw my son was so happy when he entered the school. Once inside, my husband and I started to bawl!" said a mother.
"I identify with this mother ... I also cried ... leaving my kid at school was terrible!", confessed another young woman. What about you? How did you react to your child's first day of school? What emotions did you feel?