2-year-old boy with cerebral palsy sees the sea for the first time and is thrilled by it (+ VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

September 26, 2022

2-year-old boy with cerebral palsy sees the sea for the first time and is thrilled by it (+ VIDEO)

What's more beautiful than a child's smile? The joy of children is what every parent lives for, and that is why the mother of a 2-year-old with cerebral palsy was ecstatic when her child saw the sea for the first time. The sea is known to have a calming effect on most people and children usually love to play on the beach and in the waves. The little subject of this story, in fact, showed a particular joy in seeing the sea, surprising even his parents, who had never seen him so happy.

via Facebook / Beach Ability Ingoldmells Beach Wheelchairs

Facebook / Beach Ability Ingoldmells Beach Wheelchairs

Facebook / Beach Ability Ingoldmells Beach Wheelchairs

Joey was born premature, at only 27 weeks, and not without difficulty: the little one, in fact, is quadriplegic. Doctors warned the parents that Joey will most likely never be able to walk on his own, but mom Helen isn't giving up and is confident things will improve, especially after seeing her child's reaction the first time he saw the sea. Helen Butterfield has three children and takes care of Joey full time (who obviously needs more special care and attention).

Facebook / Beach Ability Ingoldmells Beach Wheelchairs

Facebook / Beach Ability Ingoldmells Beach Wheelchairs

Joey has severe sensory difficulties so he cannot take the feeling of sand and other things, such as grass, snow or carpets. But with water, however, it seems to be a different story: Joey managed to get down to the sea, on a beach at Ingoldmells in Lincolnshire, thanks to a special wheelchair. For Joey, it was the first time he had been to the seaside and he seems to have enjoyed the experience very much. "Honestly, I've never seen him laugh so much," commented his mother, "I'm so happy to have got it on camera. We will never, ever forget this day."

Pubblicato da Helen Butterfield su Venerdì 19 agosto 2022

Little Joey seems to be particularly comfortable when in contact with water - and much more than with other people: "He doesn't usually react this well, especially with strangers. But when he gets into the bathtub, he's in heaven. It's like Joey was born to be an aquatic kid," his mother concluded. Joey's video really warms the heart which is why it has been so successful on the web. We are sure that you will not be able to stop smiling when you see his joy.
