Woman becomes a model at 71: "I decided to challenge myself, despite my age"

There are many young women who dream about entering the world of fashion and of becoming famous models. This wish is usually expressed at a young age and can become an obsession.
But the world is full of exceptions, and this is case of the woman we are about to tell you about in this story. Here is her story:
via Gama Revista
Challenging the usual canons of beauty that govern the world of modelling, Rosa Saito decided to become a model when she was 68 years of age. Yes, you read that correctly. This was a very unorthodox choice for someone of Rosa's age, but looking at the photos of this beautiful woman, one might be convinced to change one's point of view.
Stunningly beautiful showing off her smile, her flowing silver hair and gorgeous dresses, Rosa, originally from Araçatuba, São Paulo, shows age is just a number. Born with a creative spirit and eager to express herself, Rosa has always shown that she has a propensity for art in all its forms: "I knew I wanted to do something creative. I wanted to invent and everything I do moves in an artistic direction," she said.
In her life, however, Rosa did not immediately dedicate herself to modelling. At first, she was a devoted daughter, then a wife and mother of 3 children, as well as being passionate about gardening. Flowers, in particular, gardening are how she meditates and relaxes. But why, at a certain point, did she decide to take up modelling?
It all started by chance: "I was contacted by two professionals from a fashion agency, then by a photographer, but I did not feel ready to go ahead," said the Rosa. She continued: "For a year, I reflected on the opportunity, and in the end, I decided to give it a go."
This is how her successful modelling career began which, even today, occupies a lot of her time doing photo shoots.
We wish Rosa the best of luck for the future and thank her for reminding us that one's age is not a limiting factor. To succeed in an endeavour, you just need to want it badly enough and commit yourself to reaching your goals.