Couple sit right directly in front of a woman's umbrella: she attracts a flock of gulls with crumbs and manages to get them to move

How nice is it to go to the seaside and be able to grab a spot, right at the shoreline? There are, of course, many who like a nice spot overlooking the waves when it comes to spending a day at the beach. It is also true that you are not always lucky enough to arrive first and, consequently, you have to adapt to the situation. But when you succeed, the satisfaction is great: nothing could ruin the moment ... unless a couple who decides to position themselves right in front of you! The question immediately arises: couldn't they find somewhere else to sit?
The woman who is the subject of this story, finding herself in a similar situation, decided to act using a controversial, bizarre stratagem.

Madison Gooch posted a video on TikTok in which she shows how an elderly couple positioned themselves right in front of a family who were enjoying a beautiful day at the beach. Madison appears to be the daughter in the family, since in her posted video reads: "An entire beach available and this couple chooses to sit right in front of us". Unhappy with the situation, the woman decided to take action to remove the "annoying" neighbors. After crushing up a handful of crackers, the woman headed towards the sea and, without being noticed, she threw the crumbs behind the intrusive couple sitting on their beach chairs. It didn't take long before a flood of birds surrounded the pair, trying to get at the crumbs.

The flock of hungry birds forced the couple to get up and leave - exactly the reaction Madison wanted. However, the woman's action was controversial with users: there are those who applauded her ingenuity; but there were those who considered it inappropriate to make the couple move using a stratgem that could also involve some danger. "It was not a smart thing to do. You could have approached the couple and asked them to move elsewhere. Or you could have moved too," reads one of comments.