Actor worth $ 714 million lives on $ 102 a month: the rest is donated to charity

Does money really make you happy? Obviously not, but there is no doubt that economic stability can give one security and peace of mind. The true values of life, however, are quite different and should be the ones to refer to in order to truly live a worthwhile life. To remind us of this, is a film actor known for having appeared in many films: although not everyone will know his name, this actor is one of the highest paid in the world. Even though his total fortune exceeds $ 700 million, the actor in question has chosen to live on very little, like an ordinary person, and gives much of his money to charity.

Wikimedia / not the actual photo
In life, it is undoubtedly important to be able to have a good job and establish economic stability, but we know that this cannot be the sole purpose of our existence. Strong relationships, friendships, family and love are what matters most in life and Chinese-born actor Chow Yun-fat - a well-known face and star of many films - knows this very well. Chow Yun-fat is a true legend in his country, but he is also known to non-Asian audiences due to his roles in international films. His net worth is a whopping 5.6 billion HKD - about $714 million US dollars. Despite his wealth, Chow Yun-fat has chosen to live as an ordinary person, without seeking priviledge from his social position. As if that weren't enough, the Chinese actor continues to donate most of his money to charity: it is his favorite "pastime", aside from hiking!

Chow Yun-fat says he spends around $ 102 dollars a month - which is a very small amount indeed. To those who ask how he does this, here are some examples: he uses a Nokia mobile phone which is 17 years old; he does not buy fashionable clothes; and only uses public transport. In short, Chow Yun-fat really cares about living like normal people and argues that money will not last "forever": "Money is not something you will own forever. You have to let others use it when you cannot anymore". He is already starting to do this as a way of giving back for the success he has had in his life. A true example for everyone!