15-year-old finds a safe with a large sum of money inside: he tracks down the owner and returns everything

by Mark Bennett

October 06, 2022

15-year-old finds a safe with a large sum of money inside: he tracks down the owner and returns everything

We have all lost things -  perhaps a piece of jewelry, a wallet or similar and, even if we search high and low, we are not always lucky enough to find it again. There are people who, however, who delight in going in search of lost treasures.

Among these people, there is a father and a son team who have dedicated themselves to the hobby of treasure hunting and, in one of their latest outings "hunting" for lost items, they came across a safe. Let's find out together what they found inside.

via Daily Mail

Magnetic g/Youtube Screenshot

Magnetic g/Youtube Screenshot

Kevin and George Tindale are a 52 year old father and 15 year old son who share a passion for so-called "magnetic fishing". This type of sport (or hobby), if we can call it this, is focused on the recovery of lost objects from a seabed or riverbed using magnets. The 15-year-old started a Youtube channel of his own dedicated to this hobby, in which he shares every adventure he has with his father. On Magnetic G, the young man shared a video of an incredible discovery they recently made.

One day, father and son were scouring the river Witham in Grantham, Lincolnshire, when they brought up a rather unusual object from the bottom: a safe. Yes, a proper, locked safe. The two opened the safe and found a real treasure inside. In addition to old papers and other documents, George found a wallet containing 2,500 Australian dollars, corresponding to approximately 1,700 euros.

Magnetic g/Youtube Screenshot

Magnetic g/Youtube Screenshot

This money would be a windfall for anyone, and especially for such a young boy. But he was tempted to pocket the cash and, together with his father Kevin, did everything possible to track down the rightful owner. After much research, the two managed to locate the owner and returned the contents of the now rusted and muddy safe.

Rob Everett, the owner, was completely stunned when he learned of the story. He had no idea where the safe was and never imagined that one day someone would knock on his door to give it back.

"I was speechless," commented Rob. He continued: "They could have kept the money and not bothered to find me. On the contrary, they did everything possible to get it back to me and they deserved a reward for this".

As the head of an asset management company, Rob even offered young George a job. The boy, despite being flattered by the offer, had to decline it in order to continue at school. But Rob has assured him that the offer will stand and, if he wishes, he will be able to take it up once his studies are completed.

This father and son made the right choice, we can't deny this fact. But what would you have done in their shoes?
